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As in, people socialise, live amongst people of other cultures/races/religions. I certainly don't mean your definition of integration, though it's an interesting point as is that the only way "integration" will ever happen. c.f. with my point about the "Westernisation" of people leading to their acceptance.


Now obviously this happens to some degree, though recent observations I've made make me think this isn't progressing as quickly as you'd think or hope.


As you say, it already happens to some degree - people of different cultures/races/religions DO socialize together, live amongst each other, etc.


But we will almost certainly never be 'totally' integrated (implying, I assume, that this is becomes a universal rule without exceptions).


Would we want this 'total integration'? Surely not.



Do we risk homogenisation? Again, surely not.


"Or is it the only true way to eliminate fear and distrust of those with different coloured skin to yourself?"


Absolutely not.


All the same, a certain degree of cultural 'integration' certainly seems to be a good thing - and to a large extent we already have that. IMO, the key area is in education: people from different cultures should attend the same schools in a universal comprehensive system, although equally these schools should be required by law to respect the cultures of those attending them (including those from a secular/atheist background) equally.


But some kind of variation on the "cricket test" theme is defintely not a good thing and should be kept stamped down in the dustbin of history where it belongs.

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