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The NWO does exist and if you think anything has changed in human nature since the times of feudalism, WW2, etc then you are in denial. No person in a position of real power is going to get there without blood on his hands.


Bush Sr, Jr, Clinton, the Council on Foreign Relations, the Rockafellers, the Rothschilds, the elite banking interests, the weapons manufacturers...various political/religious and economic leaders around the world... these are the elites who scheme day and night for power and wealth.


You ask why they would want WW3... its not necesarily that WW3 is their goal, it is merely an eventuality. A means to an end. Population reduction is very much in their plans, they only need as many people alive as can serve them. They view us as ants, pawns on a chess-board, expendable commodities. If you think that any government leaders care about the people then you have a wakeup call from the real world due.


These people dont give two s***s about what is right or holy, they want power and have been in search of it for over 3 centuries. There have always been evil men who see no problem with stepping on the bones of their fellows to get ahead. Why would today be any different?


People think the NWO is so ridiculous and could never happen. This is because the average person is an ignorant, good person who believes that at heart everyone else is like them. This is the failing of most good people, they cannot recognize the real evil that can so consume a man.




The internet is the last real avenue of free speech, but for how much longer?




02/24/06 Rumsfeld Zeros in on the Internet


Rumsfeld?s speech alerted his audience to the threats facing America in the new century.


He opined: ?We meet today in the 6th year in what promises to be a long struggle against an enemy that in many ways is unlike any our country has ever faced. And, in this war, some of the most critical battles may not be in the mountains in Afghanistan or in the streets of Iraq, but in newsrooms?in places like New York, London, Cairo, and elsewhere.?


The Pentagon?s strategy for taking over the internet and controlling the free flow of information has already been chronicled in a recently declassified report, ?The Information Operations Roadmap?; is a window into the minds of those who see free speech as dangerous as an ?enemy weapons-system?.


The Pentagon is aiming for ?full spectrum dominance? of the Internet. Their objective is to manipulate public perceptions, quash competing points of view, and perpetuate a narrative of American generosity and good-will.


Before Bush took office, ?political rantings and musings about current events? were protected under the 1st amendment.


No more.


The War Department is planning to insert itself into every area of the Internet from blogs to chat rooms, from leftist web sites to editorial commentary. Their rapid response team will be on hair-trigger alert to dispute any tidbit of information that challenges the official storyline.


We can expect to encounter, as the BBC notes, ?psychological operations (that) try to manipulate the thoughts and the beliefs of the enemy (as well as) computer network specialists who seek to destroy enemy networks.?


The enemy, of course, is anyone who refuses to accept their servile role in the new world order or who disrupts the smooth-operation of the Bush police-state.





What is particularly foreboding and chilling in view of events to later unfold, is this statement bemoaning the lengthy process of rebuilding the existing U.S. military according to the heightened standards and specifications the PNAC aspired to:


"...the process of transformation, even if it brings revolutionary change, is likely to be a long one, absent some catastrophic and catalyzing event - like a new Pearl Harbor."


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