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FAO Murph/Cobs etc re Pensions / SERPS

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It dependes ultimately on how the markets perform whether or not you're better in or out of serps.

The rule of thumb was always opt back in when you reach a certain age which was reckoned to be about aged 47.






it's all on critical yields these days. How is your Pension performing?


The problem as an IFA is knowing or prediciting what a government X amount of years down the line is gonna deliver. What they are promising right now may be completely irrelevant when the individual in question retires.


Will there be a State Second Pension in 20-25 yrs time ? At what age will you qualify? How much will it be?


It's all the c**** like Murph and Fyds that are living too long and fecking things up for the rest of us.



Another thing to bear in mind is that if you you're contracted in and then die before you reach whatever age the S2P will become payable in the future, your family get feck all.


If you're contracted out, the money will go to them.



I have contracted out on my Pension from the off and have no intention of contracting back in.

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