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I've been doing the same accounts based job for about 13 years and am bored witless. I haven't worked for the same company for this period of time but I have been doing much the same work/duties, and I am so disillusioned because without the piece of paper (a degree) I cannot get paid properly for the work that I do.


I am seriously considering a complete career change. I have literally just started looking and the first 2 options in the paper are:


Driving Instructor &


Trainee Mortgage Advisor.


I wonder if I have the patience to be a driving instructor but having been office based for so long I like the idea of being out on the road as such. Does anyone know what a "Competitive Starting Salary" for this job would mean?


I like the idea of Trainee Mortgage Advisor because it is ultimately a job which I could do from home in a few years. Salary is "according to scale". Does anyone know what that would be? How many years would I have to train for? and Is it a risky jump to take?


Bearing in mind I have no degree and have been doing accounting work for years can you think of anything else which could be a good option.


Postman, Binman etc I'm open to ideas.



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