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arrggghhhh - or how the weekend falls apart

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nice easy weekend planned this weekend. after taking the kids out yesterday I was planning a saturday night of watching crap tv and drinking wine whilst the bambino's slept and the wife worked. Today was oing to be taking the kids swimming, liverppol game, easy afternoon and out tonight for a shedload of ale using the superbowl as an excuse to vacate the premises. The wife works sunday during the day so after fixinf dinner I was abandoning her with the kids.



all was fine until last night - 11.50pm I get a call - "I've been in an accident!".

oh f***. her indoors was driving back from work and whilst waiting at a red light someone ran into here

(I've told her about hanging around red lights but does she listen....?)


anyway - turns out that no-one was injured but she wasn;t sure what to do - so I told her I'd come down to the scene of the crash (fairly near the house) - in the meantime call th epolice out as it will involve an insurance claim at somepoint.


I gather a few bits together (camera pen etc) and am just about to jump in the car hen I realise that I've drunk over a bottle of wine - spaced over 4 hours but even so - I'm about to go to the scene of an accident with the cops there and I'm driving - OK - lets walk - its only 10 minutes. Naturally its absolutley pissing down with rain.



I get half way there when I realize that she has no insurance docs or registration docs( you have to carry them at all times). The amount of vehicle tax in on those docs and I'd borrowed them on friday night to do the tax return and didn't put them back in the car f***. So I run back home and get them then set out again. by the time I get to the accident I'm f***ing drenched. I check out whats happening (it was a quiet night here so 2 cops cars, an ambulance and a fire engine turned up) and make sure the wifes ok - which she is. check out the car and take pictures - luckily theres not too much damage - the bumper is f***ed and there a little damage to the boot - the other womans car is f***ed at the front - she'd run into my car.

so liability is clear -details all taken down noone injured - everyone wet.


drive the car back home - and eventually get to bed at 2am.


so this morning - I have to file a claim, look after the kids, find a garage and on top of that the wife is complaining that her back hurts - and she's off to work in a bookstore - that'll help it!! so inevitabley tonight I'll end up not going out as she'll have to head off to hospital for an x-ray or suchlike. arrrgrrggrgrgrg


and the car is the more expensive one of the two that we have!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


anyone else having a good weekend?

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