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President George W. Bush was scheduled to visit the Methodist Church outside Washington, D.C. as part of his campaign. Bush's campaign manager made a visit to the Bishop, and said to him, "We've been getting a lot of bad publicity among Methodists because of Bush's position on stem cell research and the like.

We'd gladly make a contribution to the church of $100,000 if during your sermon you'd say the President is a saint."


The Bishop thinks it over for a few moments and finally says, "The Church is in desperate need of funds and I will agree to do it."


Bush pompously shows up looking especially smug today and as the sermon progresses the Bishop begins his homily:

"George Bush is petty, a self-absorbed hypocrite and a nitwit. He is a liar, a cheat, and a low-intelligence weasel. He has lied about his military record and had the gall to put himself in a jet plane landing on a carrier posing before a banner stating 'Mission Accomplished.' He invaded a country for oil and money, and is using it to lie to the American people. He is the worst example of a Methodist I've ever personally known. But compared to Dick Cheney and the rest of his cabinet, George Bush is a saint."

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