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Woman sues doctor for ' Wrongful Life ' .....Unbelievable !

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Guest Apocolypse-Jim

I've posted this over at The Roadend too.


Wrongful Life Lawsuit.


So we're granted the unalienable rights of "life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness" but what happens when we don't want, lets say, life?


So how is this woman suing in the first place, was she wronged as a fetus?.

In that case, fetuses... (feti?) Have legal rights, don't they.

How can you wrong something that has no legal standing and can be killed without repercussions? (as in the case of abortions).

Or is it only with the mother's permission that it can be killed without it being called murder?, i wonder if it would be legal for the earth to spontaneously abort humanity, citing risks to its health...or if other living things and systems of energy exchange that cannot speak for themselves (as this woman cannot) can bring suits against people in a court of law?


This is totally f**king absurd.


Compensation culture is bad enough, but mixed with the same disrespect for life that characterizes both 'liberals' and 'conservatives', (as if there's the slightest bit of difference between the two parties in any major way), it's outrageous.

Would you like your murder in red or blue, the psycho/spiritual slaughter of life's dignity now comes in both chocolate and vanilla!

Are we going to laugh at this, squirm uncomfortably and avoid it?. However pragmatic and inoffensive the presumed need for the money is, isn't the concept of a 'wrongful life suit' disturbing to anyone else?.

A human being is having the words "I should not exist" put in her mouth, and after that the very life whose intrinsic value was just officially denied is paid homage to.

Bought off, even.

For denying the fundamental goodness of her own birth and continued existence, she is being paid. Were she even capable of saying this at all, she would be doing something disturbingly close to selling her own soul for cash. If she is successful in her lawsuit, life will be officially declared an undesirable state, and in fact not killing her as a fetus, will become an unlawful act.


There is now a cash value to non-existence. But then...that's nothing new, is it.

Most of us are already cashing the check.

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