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You could have translated them yourself, couldn't you?




I used babelfish and only got the gist of the last article ,its going on about benitez taking his perfectionist attitude home and is even the same with his daughters ,seems to be going on about one of his daughters getting the name of some duck wrong and he just kept correcting her till she got the message the poor thing.

it then says that he's still missed at valencia despite the fact they have spent 60 million euro since he left and certain players he transformed into practically world beaters while he was there and who moaned about his perfctionist attitude at the time only now know what they have lost.


the first article seems interesting if I could understand it fully.

http://www.as.com/articulo.html?d_date=&xr...nchor=dasftbK00  interview with guillam ballague


this one is quite funny.

any spanish speakers to do a good translation would be appreciated ,babefish is a load of me a***.




First Web page Translation.............




Could consider the Spanish man of the year as far as European soccer. It left the Valencia with too much background noise and in a magical year it has made champion from Europe to an historical one like the Liverpool. Benítez never will forget this 2005, as Anfield already never will forget him to him.



First of everything, Christmas was more Spanish or English? We returned from Japan, passed away my father, we are playing started off in total celebrations, everything very simultaneously and without time to stop, so neither a thing nor another one: they have been Christmases in family. It has not given time him to reflect on the 2005? We have made an analysis of how the equipment has finished and very I am satisfied with the balance, without a doubt we have evolved. We gained the Glass of Europe, Supercopa, was a pain the one of the Intercontinental one, a competition to which the importance did not occur him outside the club that deserves and that was a deception to lose it with much bad luck. Drawn that general conclusion, which is to do now is to be centered in the winter market. With a pair of adjustments, a power station and a player of band, the group will be ready for which it is of course. Best and the worse memory of the year... The end of the Glass of Europe and Supercopa, like better. When we walked with Ayestarán Alpaca by the turf of the Atatürk we gave account of the machada one that we had done. The recibimiento in Liverpool was unforgettable. And all it always being conscious that the work finished beginning. The worse thing, some defeats, like the eliminations of the Carling Cup this season and the FA Cup the previous one. But more than nothing by the importance that it had. The negative tonic of an excessive number of defeats was was also of the worse thing, but it seems that it is corrected. And if it could choose a single image of the year. The passion with which Steven Gerrard raised the glass of Europe in Istambul. It gives me that everything what you do you are not reflected with exactitude or the cover that deserves in Spain. The national English Press, when not going to the training, does not give too much truthful information, always looks for the controversy. And the Spanish usually reflects what they remove the tabloides, instead of the Press of Liverpool, better informed. Wanting or no, she ends up herself creating a distance with which works abroad and to him usually one remembers when the successes arrive. I read the Spanish Press and the truth is that there are less problems of those than they are counted and more positive things than do not end up arriving. Her woman says that she is living as if she went away to be left 10 or 15 years. My family is contented. I miss the rest of my close friends, but the esteem and respect of the people of Liverpool compensate that absence. How he would be good a 2006? I do not put objective dates to him nor to the progression of the equipment, which I demand is that day to day improves. Only thus the satisfaction arrives. Kings Magos give the opportunity him to ask a desire their heads in the Liverpool. He would request that they followed equal, respecting our work and that delivered a small attack to finish propping up the equipment. The one of Valencia, a year and means later, hurts less? The fact that they looked for substitute to me, that they did not respect the work to me, generated later by the certain people... that still gives much pain, but with the passage of time the memories of the good things erase those of the bad ones. We are still of litigation, but it gives the impression that everything could conclude in the next days. I am glad much that is thus. After the experience of the Valencia and the one of the Liverpool, what will request to him to their next club? In England one gets used to giving time, it happens sometimes in Spain, but the thing finishes bad when you are people who are created over badly and of or, and which it bothers to him the successes of others or it does not know to recognize them. It is necessary to row in the same direction. What tells us of the year of the rest of compatriots, beginning by Morientes? Every time is more to taste, to its conclusion adds its collective effort, us makes better. Xabi Alonso? Xabi very is valued here, is very intelligent. The year has gone to him very well since it recovered of his injury. Luis Garci'a became greater in the 2005. It is the year of the international recognition. He is able of the best thing and sometimes of errors that are not normal, but is maturing. And meanwhile, he marks goals. Queen? She has arrived at another country, a Champion of Europe and, besides to break defensive records, she is receiving praises of all parts. After first prudent months, the English press already has found an enemy him: Jose Mourinho. We have faced so many times that are normal that there is some rubbing. Few equipment has planted to him expensive since the Liverpool has done it and now there is a mutual respect. You have taught the way to beat to the Chelsea: concentration and defensive frame. Is that the way of Barcelona in the Champions? Not to commit errors is the key. They punish to you if the beams, as it happened to him to the Barça: they lost the ball a pair of times and fitted two goals. The Benfica in eighth, an equipment below his? They eliminated the Manchester, that is second in the Premier, so there is to have respect by all the rivals. And Real Madrid-Arsenal? To see how they arrive, because the Arsenal it has phases in which it seems that one finishes recovering, although is not it absolutely. By the way, Raul was in Anfield this week in his victory before the Newcastle. It had already come before and we greeted ourselves, of course. It enjoyed the atmosphere enormously and when finishing the party said to me that it had liked much the equipment. It is a satisfaction to oir to say that to him. Owen that day was seen him little. Before it had explained that left to the Newcastle because they assured to him to play. We wanted to file it, but it made that decision. We cannot guarantee the titularidad to anybody and, in addition, the Newcastle paid what we did not have. It knows personally I gave Stefano? I knew him in a tour which we did in Argentina, to play the Iberia trophy, when I was the second of Of the Forest. Desire of all heart that recovers as soon as possible. A desire for the 2006. Health for all. With the years it give account you that the rest, the success, the money, does not serve as anything if you do not have health to enjoy it.


Sorry liverbird04, I assumed you spoke Spanish. solly: please leave that Babelfish crap out of it. I speak three languages, but whatever that website spat out has nothing to do with any of them.

What the feck's an Oca  :D



thats what i was wondering :bleh: .its not a duck its an oca?

Posts merged:

the article using artistic licence says .


"in one of rafa's short walks he takes with his wife and 2 daughters around liverpool ,one of is daughters approched a pool and ran back to her father to communicate her joy , "I have seen ducks", she said to him, rafa shared in this childish infantile joy by correcting her instead "they are not ducks, they are ocas". But his daughter took no notice and kept speaking of ducks,evertime she did ,rafa corrected her "they are not ducks, they are ocas"

by the time they all left the park his daughter knew exactly what she had been looking at ,that they were not ducks but ocas.


if benitez is this bad with his own daughters ,imagine what he's like with his football players?.He takes it to extreme ends.There are never enough hours in the day and he wants everything under control ."




this is as far as I have got ,all I need to know is what the hell ocas are ?anyone want me to continue ...... :lol:


If Rafa tells you it's an Oca clearly it's an Oca. Here's a translation of the AS article courtesy of Spanishfan on Rawk:


First of all, Christmas celebrations were more the Spanish or the English way?


We came back from Japan, my father had died, we were playing league games at the time, all happening at the same time and with no time to stop. So, none of the two. They were Christmas at home with the family.


Not even time to reflect on the year 2005?

We have analysed the perfomance of the team over the year and its level at present, and I am very happy. We definitely have improved. We won the CH L, the European Supercup. It was a pitty we didn't win the Intercontinental Cup and it was a dissapointment to lose the final being so unlucky. The media didn't give this cup the importance it deserved. Our next step is the transfer window. With a couple of additions, a centerback and a wide player the squad will be ready for the rest of the season.


Your best and worst memory of the year...

Ch L and Supercup final as best. When walking on the Atatürk pitch with Pako, we realised the magnitude of what we had achieved. The parade in Liverpool was unforgettable. And all being very aware that this is just the begining of our work.


The worst a few defeats: in the Carling Cup this season, or the FA Cup last season. But more than anythyng elses because the repercusion it had (in the media ?). Also the number of defeats away from home in the league, but it looks like we have corrected that problem.


What is your picture of the year?

Steven Gerrard lifting the Cup with such joy.


I believe that the job you are doing in England merits more coverage and exactitude than the one you are getting.

The English press don't go to training sessions and they don't give much reliable information. Instead

they are always looking for controversy. And the Spanish Press only says what the tabloids say, not what the Liverpool Press , better informed, says. I read the Spanish Press and to be honest there are less problems at the club than what it is reported over there.


Your wife says that you feel as if you were to spend 10 or 15 years in Liverpool.

My family is happy here. I miss other relatives, but the love and respect I get from the people in Liverpool compensates for that.


What would it be a good 2006?

I don't mark dates or team targets. What I demand is that the team improves every day. Then I will be satisfied.


Santa Claus is giving you the chance to ask for a wish to your Liverpool bosses....


I would ask that they continue as they have been, respecting our work, and that they did an small effort to get the players to complete the squad.


What happened at Valencia, does it hurt a little bit less after 1 1/2 years?

The fact that they were looking for a replacement, that they didn't respect my work, the false accusations expressed by certain people...it is still sad, but with time the good things make you forget the bad ones. There is still a lawsuit, but it looks like everything will be over in the next few days. I am happy about it.


After your experience at Valencia and Liverpool what would you demand to your new club?


In England it is normal to give the manager time. Sometimes that happens in Spain too, but everything gets upside down when some people start believing that they are above the good and bad, and they resent the success achieved by others. Everyone should row in the same direction.


What about the rest of the Spaniards. Morientes?

He is feeling better all the time. Besides his finishing ( Roll Eyes) he adds many things to the team. He makes us a better team.



Xabi Alonso?


Xabi is highly rated here. He is very intelligent. Our perfomances have been very good since he came back from his injury.


2005 was Luis García year.....


The year he got international recognition. He can do the best on the pitch but sometimes he makes mistakes that are not normal, but he is improving. And in the mean time he is scoring goals.




He has moved to another country, to the Champions of Europe club, and he is breaking defensive records and getting recognition everywhere.


After a few months the English Press have already found you an enemy: Mourinho.


We have played each other so many times that it is normal that some clashes occur. Very few teams have managed to match Chelsea like Liverpool have and now there is mutual respect.


You have shown the way to beat Liverpool: concentration and a solid defense. Is that what Barcelona should do against them?

Not making mistakes is the key. They punish you if you make them, like what happen to Barcelona last year, they lost the ball a couple of times and conceaded 2 goals.


Benfica in the last 16. Worse team than yours?

They knocked out United, second in the table. We must respect all our rivals.


And Real Madrid-Arsenal?


Let's see in what form these teams get there. Arsenal look at times like they are getting back to their best but they are still not there.


Raul was in Anfield last week against Newcastle.


He had come before and said hello to him. He enjoyed the atmosphere very much, and told me after the game that he liked the team very much. It is very gratifying to hear that from him.



Owen didn't do much that game. Just before the game he explained that he moved to Newcastle because he had assurances that he would be first choice.


We wanted to sign him, but he took that decission. We can't guarantee to any player to be first choice, and besides, Newcastle paid for him an amount of money we didn't have.


Do you know Di Stefano personally?

I met him when we toured Argentina, to play the Iberia tournement, when I was assistant manager to Del Bosque. I hope he gets well very soon.


A wish for the year 2006


Health for everyone. With the years you realise that the rest, the success, the money means very little if you are not healthy to enjoy it.

Guest FinnMacCool

Ocas are geese.


Rafa gets rare moment off, goes for a walk with his wife and kids. One of the daughters says, "Look at them ducks!" Rafa says, "They're not ducks, they're geese." She keeps babbling on about the ducks, and every time her da corrects her, "They're not ducks, they're geese." So by the time they left the park, she was in no doubt that the things were geese.


If he's this much of a perfectionist with his own daughters, imagine what he's like with his footballers. He works incredibly hard and sleeps five hours a night or less - this is the secret of his success. He wants everything under his own control - confounding Dante Panzeri's theory of football as the "dynamic of the unexpected." If something happens, Benítez has already forseen it.


'2005 was Luis García year.....


The year he got international recognition. He can do the best on the pitch but sometimes he makes mistakes that are not normal, but he is improving. And in the mean time he is scoring goals.'




'2005 was Luis García year.....


The year he got international recognition. He can do the best on the pitch but sometimes he makes mistakes that are not normal, but he is improving. And in the mean time he is scoring goals.'




I believe that the job you are doing in England merits more coverage and exactitude than the one you are getting.

The English press don't go to training sessions and they don't give much reliable information. Instead

they are always looking for controversy. And the Spanish Press only says what the tabloids say, not what the Liverpool Press , better informed, says. I read the Spanish Press and to be honest there are less problems at the club than what it is reported over there.




Wonder what this refers to?

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