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I will no longer be developing resources for Invision Community Suite ×
By fans, for fans. By fans, for fans. By fans, for fans.

Reporting an issue with any of my resources

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Please be aware that simply stating "It doesn't work" is not explaining the problem you are experiencing and attempting to report.

So, some tips on how to effectively report an issue...

Clearly define the problem

Concentrate on what is happening - try to exclude any investigation you have done, as well as any theorising about the cause.

Some examples:

  • "I have configured the resource to do X, and only for users in the group Y, however users in group Z appear to be affected too"
  • "I've just upgraded the resource from X to Y, and after doing so I am seeing the following error"
  • "I've just upgraded Invision Community Suite, and the resource is now doing this...."

Has anything changed?

By far, the biggest cause of issues in any technological environment is CHANGE.

A static, unchanged environment suddenly experiencing an issue is an indication that something outside of your control has taken place - if you are sure that YOU have not made any changes, then you should look into whether SOMEONE ELSE (a fellow admin, your hosts etc) has made a change.

If you have made any changes then clearly state what they were - "I edited my forum" doesn't explain a change; "I edited my forum by going to X, and set Y to be Z" is more descriptive.

What have you tried to do to resolve the issue?

A scenario for you...

You: "I've got the following clearly defined problem - please help?"
Support: OK, please change X.
You: I've already done that.
Support: OK, please click Y.
You: Oh come on...I've already done that too.
Support: Sorry, can you try doing Z?
You: ARGH, I've already done that!!!!!!!!!!

A better way of avoiding the above...

You: "I've got the following problem - please help. I've done the following since the issue began...I changed X, I clicked Y and I did Z. Have you got any other suggestions?"

Always provide version details

  1. What version of the resource are you using?
  2. What version of Invision Community Suite are you using?
  3. What version of PHP are you using?
    • "v8" is not sufficient.
    • "v8.0" or "v8.1" is more helpful.
    • "v8.0.29" or "v8.1.21" is ideal.
  4. In a situation where any upgrade has been involved, also indicate what was upgraded, and the version the upgrade was FROM as well as TO.

Remember - help me to help you.

You'll also notice that there is no "single support topic" for each resource - this is intended, and any support issues will be dealt in separate topics. I can then tag topics, close them when resolved, change titles etc as I go - I don't want everything lumped into one place like we did on Invision's site.



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