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Need a bit of advice. We have a 16 Month old Shi-tzu. Firstly the good things

1. He's affectionate (although below is contradictory) 

2. He's cuddly - likes being around you. Has a little bit of separation anxiety 

3. He warns the kids when they piss him off.  He is great with the kids. 

The bad news...

He hates me, massively. When I get up in the morning he bites me. When I walk around the house he growls aggressively, especially if he's near by/ When I'm taking him for walks, and I'm pulling him away from certain areas he growls aggressively and has snapped. He also snaps at me when I take his lead off.  This is a relatively recent thing.

He's not like this with anyone else. I have tried everything from shouting, throwing him in the garden and being more dominant but nothing works. It's doing my head in actually, and I am part thinking of giving him away because whilst the above sounds small, if he was a larger dog behaving like that it'd be scary and I would worry about others being around him.






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