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So lots of debate and conversation on this topic.

Its not that surprising that Edward Colston was destined for a canal, although I was surprised how long it took. Churchill took a bit of a graffiti but remained resolute on his plinth. It set me thinking as to who I would not mind getting the old heave ho. Admiral Nelson in O'Connell Street was brought down to earth in 1966 and Saddam was literally toppled and put upon by sandal slapping locals. But who would you, in statuesque terms, banish to Room 101? 

I’ll go first. The Black Man outside RBAI in Belfast. No I haven’t shot myself in the foot. The original statue here was of Richard Chichester, also known as the Earl of Belfast. His statue was raised through donations from the general public and was extremely well supported due to his assiduous work on behalf of the poor - without regard to religion. However some years later the City Fathers decided he was much too Liberal and decided to replace him with a statue of Henry Cooke DD who was, in my opinion a right b*****d. He was the antithesis of everything Chichester stood for and, again in my opinion was a zealous bigot.  So that’s my first choice sorted. Next I’ll turn my attention to Arthur Bomber Harris. WTF?

Not wishing to seem biased I’ll toss in John Mitchel. Revered Irish patriot and, as highlighted on our local news, a supporter of the slave trade and not inclined to a multi racial society. RANT OVER.

So, feel free to disagree or nominate your own. I feel better now.

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