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I will no longer be developing resources for Invision Community Suite ×
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An unidentified speicies lands on a field outside France. The ship which has come from space is no bigger than an A380 lands safely, it didn't crash. It made its destination.


Reports come through on all the major channels and by 9am GMT all the news outlets are reporting this event.


At 9:30 a single creature emerges from the object, it has the stature of a human, but looks slightly different. It is wearing clothing a single garment which covers it from head to toe, and walks with a slow pace. The worlds media is focusing in on this TV is the only way to see this as all the major internet news sites are inaccessible due to demand.


The creature speaks into a device which is attached to the garment. It proclaims the following. somehow the ship has managed to transmit to all televisions across the world.


"We are from a planet many lightyears away from here, you are a planet which is isolated from any intelligent lifeforms, we have monitored you for over 300 years. You are ready, you are ready to join what you would call an intergalactic community, in 2 months time ships from my home planet will arrive to take you to an intergalactic neighborhood. We would like you to join us, but we will come here only once every 150 years. Your time is in two months, you are welcome to stay or you are welcome to join us. We can't explain what lies for you, because it is indescribable. I can promise  you one thing however and that is safety"


What do you do? Do you chose to leave, or do you chose to stay?






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