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Catholic hospital refuses treatment on religious grounds

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holy f***....


so much "Do unto others..."



Weeks after learning she would give birth to her third child, Jessica Mann was faced with a difficult decision: because she was stricken by a life-threatening brain tumor, her doctor recommended she have her fallopian tubes tied at the time of her scheduled cesarean section delivery, later this month.

Mann agreed to undergo the procedure at her hospital to prevent the risk of a future pregnancy exacerbating her tumor. But the hospital, Genesys Regional Medical Center in Grand Blanc, Michigan, declined on religious grounds.

The case is part of a trend that some experts are calling a burgeoning public health crisis, as a greater proportion of patients rely on religious hospitals for medical care.

Genesys’s denial stems from a religious directive crafted by the US Conference of Catholic Bishops, which governs every Catholic-sponsored hospital in the nation.

The set of rules, called the Ethical and Religious Directives, prohibits the facilities from performing procedures like tubal ligations.

“As a Catholic healthcare system, we follow the ethical and religious directives of the church,” the hospital said in a statement to the Guardian. “Beyond that, we can’t comment on this patient’s particular case.” Ascension Health, the largest Catholic and nonprofit health system in the US, did not respond to a request for comment .

Mann’s doctor advised her that tubal ligation during the C-section it would be the safest route, consistent with long-established standard of care, and prevent the need for another surgery.

“It’s not an easy thing to hear somebody tell you that,” said Mann, a social worker. “But … I talked it over with my husband and we’ve been blessed with the children that we do have. Our decision was based on the fact that we want me to be around and my kids need me around as well.”



can't see this ending well for the hospital.


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