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Amazon next on tax camapigners list

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This book is free to download from 28/12 until 1/1. Please download and help get it to #1 in the Kindle Bestsellers list

Please also use the Reviews on this item to leave your thoughts and feelings and deepest wishes.



Today, El Dink have launched the #1clickprotest, a simple way for Amazon account holders to show that they're not happy with Amazon's tax strategy. It's a really simple protest that uses Amazon's own publishing system to get the message through to them.


What do we do?


Protest with one click by downloading the free eBook, Pay Your Taxes: http://www.amazon.co.uk/Pay-Your-Taxes-ebook/dp/B00AKN9AJ4. That's it.


And then what?


The book is free until January 1st and the hope is that by then it will have become one of the most popular books in the Kindle store. It's an easy way to help send a clear message to Amazon: Pay your taxes!


Is a Kindle required? No, you can download the book if you've got the Kindle app on your phone, tablet or computer.


What if I can't/don't want to download the book?


That's fine. Use the Reviews to leave a clear message to Amazon about their corporate responsibilites.


Is this actually a real book?


Yes, there's a short illustrated story inside it. It's got Balrogs and Paul Daniels in it. You're not obliged to read it.


Are UK Uncut involved in this?


No, this is entirely organised by the folks behind eldink.co.uk. But we've included a shoutout to UK Uncut in the book, just because they're cool.

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