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My Daughter is planning to take a Social Work Degree in Glasgow starting in September.

We currently live in England, and have done all her life.

But... we are moving to the Isle of Skye to live in August this year.


So far, so simple.


Now - does she apply to Student Finance England for help with funding - Well - maybe she isn't eligible because, by then we'll be living in Scotland. Or ..

Does she apply to the Scottish Student Finance Authority where she ALSO won't be eligible because we haven't lived in Scotland long enough, so don't qualify.


Hell, even if she takes a place at Bath or York, that's not much better as, again, she could be classed as a Scottish-residence Student going to an English University, although she'll have lived 99.99997% of her life in England.


It is fecking complicated - AND expensive £9K a year tuition fees (This BETTER f***ING INCLUDE PENCILS!!) + £xK a year living expenses.



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