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After putting this off for a couple of years after having reached 50 years of age, I finally caved and had this thing done today.


Not eating for 36 hours was bad, the prep to clean out my system was horrible, but the b*****d nurse who tried twice to put in an IV needle was the worst.


I have been home 10 hours and this is the first time my hand has stopped hurting , and it is still mostly black and blue.


In the end they wheeled in some old crabby nurse who got it sorted first time in the other hand and I felt nothing, she had all the bedside demeanor of a rabid dog and said no more than 2 words to me. "hold still!!"


The colonoscopy found nowt, so at least I'm done with that for 10 years.


My wife seems intent on me having all "needed work" done this year. I had a benign cyst removed from my back a few weeks back.


Hopefully, she finds no more procedures for me.

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