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Posted (edited)

From http://www.broadshee...quite-proud-of/



NB Louis Walsh was advised today that no charges would be brought against him and that his accuser admitted lying. (see pics below)





"It's A Story We Are Quite Proud Of."

2:01 pm June 28, 2011

Dominic Hyde


A prescient exchange on last night's Tonight With Vincent Browne between the host and Paul Clarkson, deputy editor of the Irish Sun.


At the end of a show devoted to the future of the newspaper industry Vincent challenged Paul on the allegations contained in their exclusive on Louis Walsh, obviously prior to today's developments.


Vincent Browne: "I think there's a problem about this story. There's an allegation being made about Louis Walsh and if it turns out to be totally untrue isn't his reputation smeared by the publicity given to an unsupported allegation, Paul, huh?"


Paul Clarkson: "I just like to…Obviously the Irish Sun broke this story last Thursday . It's a story we are quite proud of. It shows that newspapers can still be relevant and breaking stories despite the online challenges. With the Irish Sun we approached this story, basically, and we tried to play it with a straight bat. We were aware of the allegations, we checked the allegations, we put them to Louis Walsh, we put his side of the story and we published. And It's a simple as that."


Vincent: But it's not as simple as that. Say for instance, I'll give you an example, somebody is accused falsely of sexually abusing a child and saying that it's only an allegation and this person denied it. That won't do. That person's reputation is marred forever and if it subsequently emerges, when it subsequently emerges that this is totally untrue the damage has been done…"


Paul: "Well this is why it's so important to give both sides of the story and you give them ample time…"


Vincent: "Paul, Paul


Paul: "I can tell you Louis Walsh is more than able…"


Vincent: "Paul, I don't think you get my point. Some publications such as this cannot be undone. The damage has been done. If for instance in incidents of sexual abuse of a child. You have the allegation, somebody is accused of the abuse, you name them, they deny it and even it turns out to be subsequently untrue that person is marred forever."


Watch full show here. (exchange starts at 30.45).






Edited by aka Dus

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