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Stuff that makes me really mad for no good reason....well, there are reasons, but they are trivial...


women putting on makeup in the mornings on the bus/train/subway etc. GET UP EARLIER AND DO IT AT HOME YOU LAZY b*****d

people (usually women) with wet hair in the morning on the bus/train/subway etc - see above reason

people eating in public - not including restaurants obviously - when it's either not near a meal time or it's inconvenient - walking up the street eating an apple is ok, eating a f***ing yoghurt isn't. Nor is a KFC bucket on a train etc

People with backpacks that don't take them off

People chewing gum loudly

People who get into a lift to go one floor

People who press the up and down buttons for a lift thinking that it'll come faster



actually, I could spend all day on this, better get some work done

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