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But Justice for the 35....


Horrible, bitter low live scum of Liverpool as a city, seriously horrible, serious unbelieveable, some of the trash they were coming out with


One Club, One City, One Name Liverpool


heard that 'Justice for the 39' within the first couple of mins... you could tell that they were so excited and couldn't wait to sing it... I guess it was sung before kick off too... First time I have missed a derby at Anfield in a few years, was sat at home watching it..


I though the Gerrard song was the worst

Heard that about 10 times in total.


3 times just before he was taking a free-kick. I was f***ing praying he'd bury one in the top corner to shut the gormless c**** up.


what were the gerard songs words? I couldnt hear it but could hear them singing about him


'the babies not yours, the babies not yours.... Steven Gerrard, the babies not yours'.


what were the gerard songs words? I couldnt hear it but could hear them singing about him


The baby's not yours

The baby's not yours

Oh Steven Gerrard

The baby's not yours


Just a daft song about a total bullsh*t story about some local grafter who's supposed to have shagged his missus.


So what are they doing about Justice for the 39? Contributing to a campaign fund? Contacting the victims families to offer support? Raising a petition?


OR using the death of 39 Fans as a cheap taunt at their opposition?


I suppose it makes a change from claimimg THEY were the 'Real Victims' of Heysel.


Classless, Tasteless and Ignorant.


Did anyone expect any better?


Yet still the idiots in the media report the "friendly" derby. If we sang songs like the Mancs and Everton do it'd be all over the media.


So what are they doing about Justice for the 39? Contributing to a campaign fund? Contacting the victims families to offer support? Raising a petition?


OR using the death of 39 Fans as a cheap taunt at their opposition?


I suppose it makes a change from claimimg THEY were the 'Real Victims' of Heysel.


Classless, Tasteless and Ignorant.


That'd be a very good question to put on some of their forums, all you'd get though is "f*** off murderer" "Do one reds****" etc etc


Amazing how this "big club" dont actually have any songs about themselves.

Amazing how this "big club" dont actually have any songs about themselves.

Yeah, they do. It's the one that's got the "... we don't care what the reds**** say..." line in it.


Oh, hang on.


Me & my m8 could`nt go today, so gave our tickets to 2 of our M8s, one who was at Hillsborough, said as they where at the memorial &

some of the scum where shouting what about the 39, f**kin good job I was`nt there as I`d of caused a fight, sorry would of lost it. :angry:


BITTER BLUE W*NKERS. Come back when you're close to us, when you've got history, when you've got class, when you're respected, on 2nd thoughts this is never gonna happen, so f**k off to your little grubby holes and watch some netball


Me & my m8 could`nt go today, so gave our tickets to 2 of our M8s, one who was at Hillsborough, said as they where at the memorial & some of the scum where shouting what about the 39, f**kin good job I was`nt there as I`d of caused a fight, sorry would of lost it. :angry:



As I was going into the park after the game some ugly little git told me that we killed the 39 and the 96 and pissed on them Strangely enough no-one in earshot challenged him at all. Said it right in my face looking me in the eye. He obviously knew I wouldn't batter him. And they were not blues around me at all. The guy he picked on next to me seemed more bothered about defending himself against the charge of wearing a football shirt as an adult ( at the age of 45). Which he was.


Not saying I would have wanted anything to kick off. But he got away with it.


I was chatting to a mate of mine who is a blue. He was there today and couldn't believe the crap the people around him were coming out with ( he was at the game, I wasn't) He said ( and I quote directly) "Jeez, Andy. This is getting mad. I reckon some of these lot are gonna explode soon"


he was chuffed at their "win" (his words) and was shouting down the phone to me " you lost the league on Merseyside" I kippered him though I told his ex (my wife's best mate) that he'd bought a new car. She was giving him gyp all night :D


The 'friendly' derby indeed. They've been celebrating today like they've won a European Cup (In their dreams) and all after a dour scrappy 0-0 totally forgetable draw, i don't ever remembering them celebrating after a 0-0 derby draw quite so much in the past and there's been quite a few dour derby draws over the years.


Scumbacgs, the lot of them.


Firstly, if they are a such a massive club, why do they need to have "ladies day" , give away free tickets with a season ticket and get sly stallone there to fill the ground up?(none of which work btw).


Secondly, they bood the young acadamy kids getting their player of the month awards today. Nice touch everton , boo alot of young 8-15 year olds with the same venom that you boo gerrard with.





Personally, i reckon one of the everton team from the post heysel era would have won wimbledon, and proably the pga championship if it wasnt for us!


i f***ing detest them... three or four seasons ago (I think it was), we drew 0-0 and Le Tallec had a pretty good game.. as I was leaving the ground I was walking behind an indian man and his wife... by the hillsborough memorial... next thing, the doors to the away end smash open and they all come pouring out and two lads barged into the couple in front and one screamed 'paki lover' at the woman.. f***ing c****...


i f***ing detest them... three or four seasons ago (I think it was), we drew 0-0 and Le Tallec had a pretty good game.. as I was leaving the ground I was walking behind an indian man and his wife... by the hillsborough memorial... next thing, the doors to the away end smash open and they all come pouring out and two lads barged into the couple in front and one screamed 'paki lover' at the woman.. f***ing c****...

and theres no way any of your fans would do that?



or fans of any club?

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