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Is not a true statement according to this:


Huyton Daily Link.


Out of a cycle of ignorance


Anti-western feeling in the Muslim world isn't about our values and way of life, but what we do


John Esposito

Friday July 7, 2006

The Guardian



As we remember the tragedy of the London bombings, voices in Europe and America issue ominous warnings of an Islamic threat: the rise of Eurabia, Londonistan and an Islamic caliphate. Recently, a prominent political commentator warned: "Even as Christianity seems to be dying in Europe, Islam is rising to shake the 21st century as it did so many previous centuries." The Bin Ladens and Zarqawis of the world shape perceptions of Muslims. How do we prevent the militant rhetoric and actions of a minority from defining Islam and relations between Muslims and the west?


Our common peace and security depend more on mutual understanding than demonisation. We, Muslims and non-Muslims, have all been victims of global terrorism, in New York, Madrid, London, Bali and Amman. And yet, five years after 9/11, the war on terrorism is seen by many Muslims as a war on Islam. As Islamophobia and xenophobia grow, the critical distinction between religious extremism and mainstream Islam is increasingly blurred. How do we break out of this cycle of ignorance?

The Gallup World Poll provides us with information about Muslim beliefs, perceptions, fears and hopes. For the first time, we can get beyond conflicting expert analysis, media coverage or selected voices from the Arab street. Listening to a billion Muslims sometimes corroborates but often challenges entrenched beliefs about our differences.


Is there a blind hatred to the west? The poll indicates the opposite. Muslims in the 10 countries polled (Morocco, Egypt, Lebanon, Jordan, Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Iran, Pakistan, Bangladesh and Indonesia) said what they most admired, after technology, was the west's political freedom. Overwhelming majorities in every country would support freedom of speech, religion and assembly if drafting a constitution. Majorities in virtually every country also felt women should have the same legal rights as men.


Those familiar with the EU were more likely to say the group of nations played a positive rather than negative role in promoting peace. However, not surprisingly they gave the US and UK, in contrast to France and Germany, unfavourable ratings, linking the US to such attributes as "ruthless and arrogant." Muslims were also critical of their own countries, citing "extremism, radicalism, terrorism and fanaticism, lack of political freedom and political corruption". Only 8% believed the 9/11 attacks were justified, while 35% were positive about America and felt 9/11 was not justified; 51% were "sceptical moderates", critical of the US but not believing that 9/11 was justified.


What would improve relations with the west? Their most frequent replies were "demonstrate more understanding and respect for Islam"; help with "economic development/jobs"; and "stop interfering in our affairs". Most wanted better relations with the west, but did not believe the US was serious about promoting real self-determination.


The conclusion? Anti-western feelings result from what we do, our policies and actions, not from our way of life. Globalisation and an increasingly multicultural west test the mettle of our values. Islamophobia is a threat to our democratic way of life. This cancer should be as unacceptable as anti-semitism. Pluralism and tolerance demand greater understanding and respect from non-Muslims and Muslims alike. The more we learn about each other, the more we will see beyond our differences to a reservoir of common concerns, values and interests.



P.S I agree/disagree with this article.


Certainly puts paid to the stock line from the right-leaning press that the Islamic world is anti-west because we're all decadent amoralists...

Edited by DanielS

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