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I've lived most of my life in the UK, but wasn't born here, and don't have Enlglish parents, so I've never considered myself English.


There are some things I like about this country - the month or so we get of summer is very nice, and the range of vegetable fat based chocolate bars is certainly very impressive.


However, I really can't think of much else. There is great comedy, but I don't need to live in the UK to enjoy that. Likewise, I rarely go to matches these days, so I don't need to be in the UK to follow football.


I think the UK is fairly feked - lack of infrastructure investment is evident in all areas - transport, healthcare, education, water shortages... etc... and I think the English people are among the most unpleasant and unfriendly anywhere. The English are generally cold, narrow minded, and rude. Far too many people read stupid tabloids, often using these papers to help them form what dumb opinions they have about anything. The English also seem to hate anyone who is successful.


I think a lot of Enlish people are suffering under the delusion that the UK is still some great power, and the unpleasant jingoistic traits are highlighted during events such as the World Cup.


I've done a lot of travelling all over the word, and the UK seems to be the only place where people walking the streets look miserable 90% of the time and refuse to make eye contact with anyone else, instead pretending that they are the only person alive in the world.


I just find it odd and somewhat depressing. Can anyone tell me anything good about living in England, or anything good about the English people? Much as we can all sneer at the politics and religious fanaticism of the US, at least Americans are friendly and optimistic.


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