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Kaz Yamamoto is a Japanese chef living in America's south who prides himself on preparing dishes for his celebrity clientele - extreme dishes, very often made with ingredients that are harvested from endangered species and even human beings.


Stephen Lemons of the Phoneix New Times interviewed him.


Personally, I find it reprehensible that he not only poaches protected animals like chimpanzees, but is openly proud of the fact. He's cooked pygmy owl, rhino genitals, brown bear, gila monster, giraffe tongue and has a dozen variations on penguin meat.


He has bought limbs off of live Mexican immigrants and has bribed mortuary officials for the organs of child and teenage car accident victims. A few people who he claim have enjoyed cannibalism are Senator Jon Kyl and Marlon Brando.


An extract from the article, if you're still dubious about it's quality - the incident happened while hunting penguins with Ted Nugent;


"Nuge kinda crazy," says Yamamoto. "In Japanese, they say 'kuru-kuru-paa.' You see that film March of the Penguins? Remember how mother go get food to eat, then walk a long way back to ice where father keep nest? We lie on slope, fire on mother penguin as they walk back. Nuge, he shoot flaming arrow at one penguin, and scare many away. Penguin explode, they have so much oil in body. He run down and eat it right there, while still on arrow! He can't wait, he so hungry for penguin."

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