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Creationism on the rise in schools in Liverpool

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The question is - why is a chemistry teacher from a prominent school in Liverpool being mentioned in an article in The Sydney Morning Herald?


The answer is this - the chemistry teacher in question (Nick Cowan) is a creationist, and he is speaking out in favour of a visit by John Mackay - a prominent Australian evangelical creationist - to schools in England, including Bluecoat school in Liverpool, where Nick Cowan teaches chemistry.


These are young earth creationists (YEC's) who actively believe that the earth is only 6000 years old (in accordance with the Bible story of creation), contrary to the scientific position on this question which dates the earth at over 4 billion years old!


Nick Cowan has also mentioned a former student of his who is a YEC and is studying geology at Cambridge! :o He has also talked about a head of science at another school in Liverpool who is also a creationist.


Creationism being taught as science is on the rise in the UK - mostly in schools in the North, including in Liverpool.


I for one am getting very worried about it...

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