What about having SOS print loads and loads of cards with the following printed on them: Something along the lines of; "While Gillet and Hicks remain in charge, I pledge not to spend anything other than the price of the match/season ticket in this stadium" and then have people hand them over en-masse at the kiosks under the stands or in Fiverworld when it's your turn to pay? If a significant number of people did this, they couldn't ignore it. Takings would be down but there'd be a written, specified reason as to why. If lots of fans queued up at the kiosks and in the line at Fiverworld, it would decrease the numbers of people wanting to buy stuff so it would be bound to reduce takings. While people are in the queue we could promote the idea on a one-to-one basis amongst the people waiting to spend money there, get them to think twice about handing their money over.