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Mr Makaveli

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    Cork city, Ireland.
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  1. No, cause Arsenal are gonna win it ;p
  2. Defnsively I tohught he played well but yes... I think Carra was pretty aweful tonight and should have been shown a red before that anyway.
  3. ya they were all behuind the ball so of course we had possession but useles it was..
  4. I think I was rather clear.
  5. I hope so... but 5 losses in the league so far... Id expected our 5th to come against utd and thats why i got blasted when i said Rafa was close to the edge... but after beating them I was hoping we'd go on a run... I think our league may actually already be over. It's gonna take a miracle to qualify for the CL... we're our of the carling cup. jesus, I hope we can somehow pull it together.. the lads getting sent off at the end was really just them throwing the toys out.. I dunno... pretty depressed about it now... hopefully the red cards and injuries will take a bit of the weight off Rafa...
  6. Fear. He looked afraid.
  7. he first started just looking despondant (sp?).... then he started talking at Sammy lee. but i actually agree... he did have an extra look of anguish on him. This what I worried about... Im already getting texts from friends saying rafa out... maybe its more patient over there in liverpool? I dont think he should go.. call me mad.. but the oplayers are to blame.. well and injuries today. shocking 2nd half from a team that were in complete control.
  8. Gerrard N'Gog Gary Neville
  9. he's the next big big thing... so good for you. bye guys
  10. yes... that's Gerrard going to Utd + Everton
  11. This is actually correct. Doesnt matter who's fans threw it onto the pitch, the ref should have stopped the game the instant he saw it on the pitch but he missed it. not sure which way it'll swing now since the match is over... but it generally tends to end with nothing happening once the ref doesnt spot these things. still, the rules have been breached whether they like to admit it or not.
  12. He's a constant irritation. Not a need for it no but a reaction unfortunately... just i think though. cant say a thing without him jumping in with the wind up.
  13. Hope yer right. Still, no better game to start a run on than at home against utd......
  14. And a week later it came out in the papers that Rafa had considered leaving. anyway you t***... I said stab in the dark... Im not having this argument with you again you f***in pillhead.
  15. Our season is over as far as the league is concerned.... for now. I say that cause you never know how things pan out but we'd need to go on an almighty run of wins without draws to get back into it... that plus the fact that the other top teams will lose more points this season ... a record low points league win is certainly a possibility if you ask me. but ya..... very disapointed after today...
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