And therein lies the problem. The scope of view from both the fans and the club has always been within a year or two. Such is the state of sport that fans have come to expect immediate success. This is almost never a reality. Man City, for example, were bought at least 3 years ago. They still are waiting for a league title. Despite Chelsea's early success, they have been struggling. United was much the same, but I'm not sure exactly how long it took for Ferguson to win anything. What needs to happen is a management of expectations, both of the fans and players. Our fans have this expectation that every year is our year simply because we haven't seen league success in over two decades. We won't challenge for the title next season, because we're not at that level yet, we are showing significant signs of improvement on and off the pitch. Patience is a virtue. That is not to say that the state of on the field matters isn't concerning. We are still several signings off from being a title challenging side and need to assess the style of play, the formations, the playing staff among an array of other issues. But, I think that the underlying problem that has ravaged this team and others is the culture that has developed around the sport. An overnight success is years in the making, as they say.