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By fans, for fans. By fans, for fans. By fans, for fans.


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    "History is written by those who have hanged heroes"
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  1. McMoist was so biased against us last night in his "commentary", he isnt usually that bad but must have been the ghost off Wattie egging him on!!!
  2. Ooh Kinky stuff... I like it.!!!
  3. What you and Slapnuts get upto when you are together is your own business....
  4. libero


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  5. Ballot entry done, if you lot who havent done it yet could just not bother and it will give me a better chance. TIA
  6. Anyone heard anything about when the ballot for tickets will take place??
  7. Is Kelleher going for the Terry Thomas look??? Well Hello!!!
  8. libero


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  9. This content is not viewable to guests.,This content is not viewable to guests.
  10. libero


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  11. This content is not viewable to guests.,This content is not viewable to guests.
  12. Dinny!!! I was there on a freebie in the Stretford end, he ripped Skittle a new one!!! I am going on Thursday too.....
  13. Pegging is a big thing now apparently.......
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