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Paddy T.

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  • Team
    Liverpool FC
  • Location
    Freudenberg, Germany
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  1. Sean Dundee?
  2. I am one of those people who always believes the ref is a t***, but I thought Dean was incredibly inconsistent today in regards to giving free kicks to either side
  3. As far as I know Sky Germany have lost/dropped the rights for the Premiere League. Not sure if anyone else has picked them up for this season but it might not even be available unless streamed.
  4. If we discard our potential title run, our main goal was top 4 to show progression... Now before I go any further, I don't think any sane person would sack Klopp... However, it's going to be a real challenge for him to pull us out of this horrible form were in... And I personally believe that he needs to be changing something in order to achieve that... His Dortmund side that surprised everyone didn't actually have much possession in games, if I remember correctly... The fascinating thing about them was that they could take the ball off teams and turn it into a chance within seconds... Obviously, this is not possible against a tean like Hull today, who are quite happy to let us have the ball... But at the same time, the amount of possession we had today did f*** all... So basically, if I may reduce the issue to a very simplistic phrase, we need to become a lot more effective... However, I have no idea how... And that is basically the challenge that Klopp faces now...
  5. How can that not be a foul? Is that not dangerous play? I'm fairly certain that would have been a foul in ice hockey...
  6. I hope this will stop people questioning his commitment
  7. This content is not viewable to guests.,This content is not viewable to guests.
  8. Is there any one else in the youth team who could step up if needed?
  9. Sounds like Klopp is telling Inter to stop messing about and get serious or get lost... considering some of the other deals we've had with Italian sides I'm all for it...
  10. I'm fairly certain the fellas dad's name isn't Papa...
  11. Would Matip be going for Cameroon?
  12. I'd argue that more people would be willing to get Sky or any other product if it was guaranteed that they can watch every single Liverpool match. German Sky basically offers that, get Sky and you are guaranteed to be able to watch pretty much every single game of your team (and any other team as well for that matter). I just don't see the benefit of paying that much money if I might have to get BT as well and still can't watch every Liverpool game. Must be even worse for Hull supporters for example.
  13. I'm guessing here but considering that the top two keepers were from Augsburg and Mainz while Neuer is somewhere far behind I would assume that the actual number of saves/the amount of activity in front of their respective goals somehow played into this ranking system... Neuer is most definitely the better keeper but also plays for the best attacking team... So he doesn't really get to much to do... Whereas the Mainz or Augsburg goaly will have a lot more to deal with... Not that that helps the discussion in any way, just thought I'd mention it
  14. The time I went it was only the yellow wall and the section for the away fans that had standing... Everything else was seats
  15. Dortmunds stand normally looks like this: https://encrypted-tbn1.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSulCL4m-irihsPwYfpxwR4aILFOQ-T5G24YE-OCHfCvWRVAaYj Whenever they play in Europe they have to replace those railings with seats as far as I know. Therefore I think there attendance is lower with the seats than during domestic games with the standing
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