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Everything posted by Scaryscouse
It's been driving me nuts who Henderson reminded me of and this morning it came to me. Ivan Dobsky from Monkey Dust.
Phil Babb. Discovered by the Germans in 1904, they named him Phillip Andrew Babb which of course in German means Waste of Money. I'll be honest, I don't think anyone knows what it means anymore. Scholars maintain that the translation was lost hundreds of years ago.
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It breaks my heart seeing those photos of sick kids, good on the lads for doing it.
What about the rest of my post? Racist no? And it's happening every weekend.
Just playing devils advocate here and could risk a ban, but in fairness what is it about the n word that sends the world absolutely crazy? This is coming from an Irish lad who has played against English, Scottish, Welsh and French Teams in Rugby and Football and have done my fair share of marshal arts as well so I've been in very hostile situations in all of the above. I'm not saying a guy shouldn't be insulted, far from I don't condone racism, but who hasn't been called worse? Haven't we all played sunday league when getting your nationality, sexuality and skin colour is fair game? We have all played amateur sports yeah? Once again if Suarez did it, fair enough throw the book at him. But you know what? I remember getting changed in the back of burnt out lorries at under 12's ....... and getting spat at by fans and parents at away games. I really don't feel sorry for him, even if it's true. Even though I once again will say if found guilty he should be punished.
Pretty sure his count stands at Finnan, A Chelsea steward, Suarez and I think he said it about Barcelona players at one point as well. If he was that wound up about it during the game. Stop and say it to the referee or confront the player during play and bring attention to it. To play on and then claim it in a French newspaper smacks of being a bad loser. Even if it is the refs report he didn't mention it during the game, which he should have. While it's fair to say Suarez is no angel, mud sticks and if there's no proof the book should be thrown at Evra, ditto at Suarez if there is.
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Yeah That was me who said that one about Aquilani or Meireles. Neither of them wanted to be here because in reality we did nothing, publically at least to show we wanted them there. It was pretty obvious we courted interest in either one. If a player doesn't feel like he's wanted, why would he stay? As Deathscar says, we needed thype of player here and considering we let those two and cole go is a bit of a downside on the transfer outgoings. We knew Gerrard was out and we don't have a replacement of that ilk having sold or loaned all 3 players capable of playing that position. We had to let some areas go? Perhaps, but we did that all in the one area when we could have kept at the very least one replacement. It's a fair comment to say we should have kept one, I can't understand how people can't understand that A hands off warning and the contarct discussions that Meireles was apparently pormised would have sorted that.
Can't argue that we should have kept one of Meireles or Aquilani and that is the only area where would could make a significant splash for a Hazard or the like. As We have to realistically start blooding in a new Gerrard replacement in the next year or two. We've had a bit of bad luck starting the season without Gerrard, Johnson, Kelly, Aurellio, Carroll still not quite 100% and now Agger for a bit. That's quite a lot of first teamers there. Unless of course thr right player becomes available due to their contract expiring in the summer or something or injuries I'd personally stay away from the inflated prices sh*t fight that is January. Hold off until the summer where prices are more realistic and duke it out for top players, you quite often have to settle for middle of the road in January. I don't think we have wasted a penny of our transfer budget. Each player brings something to the squad and those were the prices we needed to pay to get top english talent to fill our quota for years. It's been one of if not the best transfer seasons I can remember. A bit of a sluggish start but this squad certainly has what it takes to be in the mix by the end of the year.
I'm just glad Kenny and the board had foresight while we just have hindsight. It was the best thing to happen in years him coming to the club equally so him leaving. Delighted he's struggling and miserable purely because of the manner in which he left. Will also never forget the very positive contribution he made while he was here, when he was bothered. 50 million.....50 million! Thanks for your dirty russian millions dude!
Haven't followed the thread. I'm just a bit frustrated that we've strengthened our opposition. His pro's out weighed his cons for me and one or two injuries we could look in a spot of bother. That is of course the worst case scenario. The best case is that Gerrard comes back fit, then f*ck him who cares about him going?
I could actually feel my brain cells fizzle away reading that utter garbage. Honestly it's like they've resotred to the infinite monkey thereom and we are only 6 months in.
I'm not saying he's reasonably good, I'm saying that if we were to legally try and cancel his contract there's several factors such as international selection which would mean we can't claim he's not living up to his contract. I'm not defending him as a player in anyway believe me, but I am defending the position him and players like him are in. Also the short career arguement is valid, try telling that to my mates who were finished at 23 penniless and lucky to be able to walk. No one is saying they expect to retire but if you have a short window in your career to earn as much money as possible you should do exactly that. By all means most will go on and do something but many have forgone education at a higher level to persue a career, sure they've got time and cash assuming of course they've played at a high level.
It's not really a loose parralell if you look at it. And I'd like to point out I for the most part agree with the sentimentality of your post and am not having a go, but feel there's another side is all. Let's look at Pouslen for example. He was offered a 5 year contract, unless you or I know the exact benchmarks stipulated in the contract we can only speculate. I think it's reasonable to assume he was brought in to challenege for the first team. For that he must be fit, which he is. Show up to training, which he does. Stay out of trouble and at all times represent the club with integrity. He's never been in trouble and isn't disruptive and part of the "twiteratti". He's still being selected by his national team, now regardless of whther he's been below par for us as he's still being selcted nationally he must be reasonably good, contractually we couldn't just terminate a current international wihtout reasonably expecting to pay him off. I'm sure he does have aspirations of achieving the highest accolades, that's why he's here and that's presumably why he's reluctant to leave. And you mention pride he has said if he's not going to get selected here he will consider looking elsewhere, so that he can continue paying at international level. Should he accept lesser contracts to play at lesser clubs if he still wishes to acheive the highest prizes in football? We are given the choice to hang around companies while they find a replacement, if we are to be moved on we expect to be paid (god bless unions and absolutely ridiculous HR ploicies). We all were livid when Torres wanted to break a contract, but a player should expect the same when he expects a club to honour their side. By all means sell him, but he is right not to expect to be out of pocket purely to benefit the club. The contract he signed in good faith legal declares he shouldn't either. None of our players until the recently departed *spit* Itandje have really sat around and wilted their contract away to the degree of some one say like Bogarde. That was a scummy act. We haven't had players seek out free transfers for quite a number of years. What's to say any of these guys we have hanging around don't genuinely believe they can't force their way into the team. As you say looking into the mirror, maybe they can't look at themselves in the mirror if they just walk away from the chance to excel at Liverpool. Also to say there's nothing to stop them persuing a career after football, physically their bodies might prevent any hard labour and if they started families young re education might be an issue. they might be just f*cking thick. I've known several guys who the game spat out with nothing, contracts are their to protect them as well as the club. I really don't see too many of our squad members sitting out contracts for the laugh. I know we all play to respect and love the game, but tyr telling that to your missus 2 years into a 5 year contract, perhaps having relocated kids to another speaking country and they've just settled. Oh and you'll play for less in some other country and the kids ahve to relocate again. It's not that black and white man. I agree wholeheartedly with wanting player to have pride and to wnat to do better. We respect the game and love it. The game doesn't love or respect the players and they absolutely should uphold legally biding contracts they were offered and signed. As f*cking infuriating as it may be to us. Apologies this shouldn't be in this thread and REds fer life it's not a go at you and as I said I agree with the sentiment of your post 100%. And for that reason....I'm out.
Haven't really read over the last few posts so I'm merely responding to the thread title "Our New Owners". I'll give a little back ground to my story and oppinions of what these guys have brought to the club thus far. I may waffle a little but bear with me. Almost two years ago I relocated to Australia while we were still under that dark cloud. Hodgson had taken over, we hadn't a pot to p*ss in and 8 games in my girlfriend thought I was crazy when I said we were on the ropes. Doesn't sound like any fan should but I was so despondendent, I could see the wood from the trees, we were a fast sinking ship. It broke my heart. While I was meeting my girlfriend's family and new friends as my new life started sport inevitably came up in conversation, and as long as there's breath in these lungs I'll talk footie and especially Liverpool. Sure most people knew Torres and Gerrard but what they also knew was the bad press surrounding the club, the court case circus our club was a laughing stock even here in Australia. Settling into a new job every colleague mentioned the results to me jokingly and revelled on that gut wrenching day I woke up to see the headlines that Torres was off, which I swore to everyone he'd be above. We'd seen false dawns before, how can the new guys save face after this I thought? We've just signed Suarez but at the time like every other red it was a massive bitter pill. To Chelsea...f*cking Chelsea. I wake up the next morning and things are well under way it looks like Carroll is coming in. I couldn't help but be impressed. "No messing around" I thought quietly. Skip to the summer, Kenny's been given the job. Not just a poular choice to get the fans onside, but the right choice. He's been given money. Lots of it. Transfers, very good ones, coming in thick and fast before we know it. It looks like we've just united the copa player of the tournament with the young player of the tournament (not to put the mockers on it). Every position is now looking strong. Loads of top young talent coming in from all over the world, but closer to home too. The headlines down here are postivie, the media smirk is slowly being wiped off media faces. We do things properly. Get some of the fringe guys out. No problem. Done that? Who do you need? Done. The matches have started and we're looking good. Room to imrpove, but we're looking good and Henry and his missus are there in the stands too see it (very imprtant in my eyes). The colleagues are blown away buy who we're getting. The matches ate 3am and 4 am are coming up and my mates want in. We're on the up without being new money t***s about it. Pride, stability and forward panning is what these guys have rbought us. We're on the road back to where we should be. It may all come chrashing down, but my gut feeling is the good times are coming and these guys what those good times to hang around. Blown away by how much they've done.
ONce again Maxi demonstrating how good he is at finding him self space. Carrying on from last season, which is great news for us. I think he might be in for a decent season if he keeps it up.
"because you are a long time retired boys"...... If you're not liverpool fan as most of these players won't be, it's a job to them. And while I agree most players shouldn't want to sit around doing nothing, if you are on a decent wedge in a job you're not likely to get another one anytime soon and you'll be retired by 30 odd who wouldn't sit tight. Yes it's annoying some guys are taking the piss at our club we love but at the end of the day in any given job that we work in and we were in the same position we'd all do the same.
I actually think that's a terrible way to treat players. Bellamy accomodated them in moving to no rival and others took loan moves alos. Bellamy in particular had done very well for them too. City agreed a contract with them and both parties accpeted. To tell them not to bother showing up is alienating them unfairly. What has Onuoha a youth team player done to deserve that treatment. They could sue the club and probably win if this is really the case.
Oh trust me, I'd have no problem at all with us signing Aguero. None at all. If it's need and wants, everyone who's sane would want aguero but we need Hazard. We don't have anyone in anyway like him in our squad. We have Suarez who is pretty similar to Aguero. If we had x amount of money I reckon our squad needs Hazard more. But it's comparing apples and pears as they are for entirely different positions. Unless we play 4-3-3.
But we do need Hazard.
Shane Long's about the same size as Suarez and well able to use his size. Anyway we haven't really played with a lone forward in the pure sense since Torres left.
Any year now he'll be due a 50 second youtube clip containing all 6 of his goals. Own goals included.
Interesting one with Long, granted I'm Irish but if we wanted someone who knows where the net is, won't cost the earth and can play second fiddle to what we have. Shane Long represents a great option for our back up striker. I would have plugged for Doyle but he's older and in my eyes has stagnated abit at Wolves. Good call on Jagielka as well. If we're bidding for any one of Everton's players he'd be my main target and I would pay top dollar for him too. He's a cracking player.