A quote from me half an hour before DarkBailo posted the above when it was suggested I guess Rushian has heard some news from the meeting yesterday: "No. Not even sure if there was a meeting. Just more a feeling of impending doom based on the clear lack of support from those at the highest level for the manager, coupled with what appears to me to be a cheerleading exercise at the Echo for Rafa. I still think the most pertinent article of the last week was Tony Barratt's defence of the reserve/youth team and those that have been brought in the last 18 months "post-Heighway". It comes to something when the local newspaper has to spell out to the hierarchy that you don't abandon an experiment after such a short time because they've had their ear bent by a few whinging voices complaining that not enough local kids are getting a look in. This is the same hierarchy who'll happily laud Arsene Wenger and his Arsenal team who have been running a system like this for ten years. Anyone who has watched the reserves and academy teams recently has to be impressed by the quality of the footballers we're now developing, many of them imported." Damn, if it wasn't for those pesky kids Can I repeat - I do not know if there was a meeting. I don't know if there is one planned. Or when it may or may not be. And I haven't got the boardroom bugged. So speculating on what I heard from a meeting I have no knowledge of apart reading that there may have been one in a copy and pasted article from the Times is a bit pointless.