Was in the Utd end when we beat them 2-1 way back in 1990, when we scored all I wanted to do was jump up and scream but I didn't a guy a few rows up did and got jumped on and t****** by several Mancs so i'm glad I stayed quiet!. Roll forward 13 years, Man Utd V Liverpool League cup final, My son had been seriously ill in the Royal Manchester Children's Hospital in Pendlebury but had, thank God, made a complete recovery and was due to go home the day after the final, i'd checked a couple of pubs out and found what I thought was a nice quiet pub but when I walked in just before the kick off the place was packed with Man Utd fans, I just got a beer and sat down to watch the game, when gerrard scored every fibre of my body wanted to scream "YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!" but I didn't I was getting the eye from a couple of pissed a******s towards the end when all the people in the pub were slagging off the "Scouse coonts" so I slithered out the door and went back to the Hospital just before Owen scored, looking back it was silly really but at the time I probably wasn't thinking straight!