Got mine in the shop this morning and not only do they look great, they look so much better than that excuse for a new jersey with AIG goingh across it.
You've got to question the timing of this story, so close as it is to wed's match. Is it a. Rafa using media to gee up players to prove themselves to him. (Optimistic View) b. Chav/ManU directed media story to put us under more pressure before Benfica game (Paranoid View) c. Madrid controlled propaganda to unsettle Rafa, precipitating an early exit from Europe for us and so giving him more time to contemplate future here. (Pessimistic View) d. Rafa warning the club not to take him for granted. (General View)
Good luck finding anywhere at this point. I really struggled to find somewhere and that was 3 weeks ago. Although if you're willing to pay crazy money you'll find something.
How could he be ready? Only 17, probably still hasn't unpacked all his bags since moving here, but he has 3 things going for him - potential, Rafa and staff and the fact that he plays in Red.
After today's results, not only do we have the least goals against in the EPL, but no team in Spain, Italy, Germany or France can boast so few goals against.
Even basketball is bigger than football in Finland, but Sami is a national treasure and there are lots of kids walking round with LFC tops and HYYPIA on the back.
Rafa has said that he only wants players that want to play for Liverpool, and I think that this has been his tactics with regards to Figo and others. He will bid slightly lower than other bidders and leave it up to the player. If the player wants to play for us enough he will dig his heels in and demand a move to us. No matter how excruciating this seems to us at the moment, if he can get enough players that want to come to us for footballing reasons and not for the obvious financial rewards then we will have a team that will sweat blood on the pitch and work for each other.
Rafa's not in the job to be liked. He's a vicious mother and that's why he'll bring the EPL trophy to Anfield. There is clearly something not right with Cisse's professional attitude in training and/or personality-wise or else this situation would not arise. I reckon The Guv is entitled to his opinions, but I think he's got things a bit screwed up. A lot of people disliked Shanks but he got the job done and had his players' respect and people remember him for what he did for LFC and not if some people were offended by his style and I hope we'll have the same reasons for remembering Rafa.