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  • Team
    Liverpool FC
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    Oakville, Ontario, Canada
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  • Interests
    The mighty Reds.
    Golf and most sports.
    Getting to know Canadian/North American sports (very weird!!)

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  1. Seems our new recruitment policy is to bring in nutters only! Is this turning into fantasy football?
  2. What a great but scary summary. You are today's winner
  3. Should be interesting. He's been out for a good few weeks, and had a further set back recently (I only know this cos I had him in my Fantasy team and dropped him) Still 35 Million for an injured nutcase sounds just fine to me on a day like today
  4. Remember they already have Leon Best, the lad they forgot they had and then had to play him and he scored a hattrick first game out. Also remember their owner Ashley has been brassic for ages. And Pardew not renowned for splashing cash.
  5. I'm laughing my a*** off at this. It's all mental. It's bizarre how as fans we all get so hooked on the crack the media is selling us! Whatever happens at the end of today's continued crazy activities - Kenny is at the helm, and we're moving onwards and upwards. YNWA.
  6. Maybe the deal has Nolan thrown in as a minder. He lives with him after all since the last time he lost it.
  7. 35 Million quid.....WTF?
  8. Kenny on today's shenanigans > Liv Echo Great to have steady hands on the wheel. Just had a snigger imagining Hodgson in that seat... Kenny is King. YNWA. Although still struggling to see Carroll as 30M....or 32.5 or whatever !
  9. Just got to work here in Canada...so sorry for repeats. But 30M for Caroll - who is injured and an idiot? I am dumbstruck. What's going on at all the clubs with a striker with a pulse today - call after call...first from 'Arry, then 30 mins later from Comolli? Ridiculous.
  10. No to the 40M, but yes to 50M. Can't keep an unhappy player, and the risk that we'd not get the same money in the summer after 6 months of him not trying, getting injured or with every other team knowing he wants to go is not worth taking. Play hardball and get as much as we can now. I'm clutching at straws that Comolli has some other options he'd been looking at if Suarez did not work out. Can't see how Torres he can show his face in the near future.
  11. Posted this late last night (Canada time) when I read the news - I think it's a good explanation Roman lures Torres with Euro promise - Telegraph IMHO - after an interrupted night's sleep, I say we get the best price for an unhappy player. How many times have we all said about other clubs that they can't keep an unhappy player (e.g. Barry and many more). It's very sad, but sadly it's the way of the world in all sport. Too much player power. FFS in N America they have 'collective bargaining agreements' between the leagues and player associations. And there's talk of a player strike in the NFL 'if they don't get their way' basically and there's already been a one year strike in the NHL - 2005 they had no hockey. Can you imagine that - No Premier League for a whole season.
  12. This might explain it all - Telegraph Makes a lot of sense as do one or two of the comments. Still sh&te though, and 'kin awful timing.
  13. Just came to me....I know it's a bit of an overeaction but funny all the same.... Who wants to write the song then...to the tune of Delilah. Chorus... He was our hero As he deceived us I watched and went out of my mind Why why why Fernando Lies Lies Lies Fernando I'll get me coat.
  14. I just hope this does not affect Suarez...the offer is accepted, but the deal's not official as yet. Personally, I'm so disappointed by this from Torres, that I'd not want to keep an unhappy player. Similar to what was written about Suarez, his motivation would not be the best. It seems like we play hardball, and get the max price (50M will do) and move on. Sadly. Otherwise what happens at the next home game when half the fans rip him apart? With all the aggravation that was going on with the Suarez deal, you'd have thought we might have had some backup plans for other forwards to look at now, even though time is very short. BUGGER....
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