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Everything posted by LeeRadford

  1. Excellent read! I am in exactly the same position that you want to forgive some of uncle roy's tactical and selection misgivings because "he is a nice bloke" and therefore feel he deserves more time to turn things around... however it's becoming more and more obvious that this slump isn't going to correct itself and unfortunately the finger can only be pointed at uncle woy. So I totally agree that Hodgson should not be the Liverpool manager, not because he lacks managerial experience or because I think he is rubbish, but simply because his experience just hasn't equipped him for what is needed as a Liverpool manager unfortunately.
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  3. LeeRadford

    R B S

    If anything did happen to the club wouldn't RBS have some kind of floating charge on the assets of the business - so they would have the say over who was appointed as administrator and also be first in the queue to receive any money from the sale of the business assets? So in that particular scenario they get to keep all of the interest money they have earnt so far and have the comforting knowledge that they would make back a pretty decent chunk of their loan too. The risk on their part looks fairly minimal it would seem.
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  11. LeeRadford

    Fight Club

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  12. That's no worse than Real's negotiating technique! Real: 27m for Alonso? Naaa, think we'll leave it thanks. Real: 24m then? Part of me wishes it was Man City who was in for him, we'd be up to an offer of £50m from them by now!
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  14. I was listening to City Talk the other day and they were talking to a madrid based journalist for the Guardian, and he basically said the same - that Rafa wants Xabi to come out and ask for a transfer, that way the fans won't blame Rafa for the sale etc
  15. Does anyone know when the spanish football league fixtures will be released... or a link to a reliable source etc? Cheers
  16. The premier league fixtures on the BBC website do come with a copyright warning at the bottom of the page: http://news.bbc.co.uk/sport1/hi/football/e...res/default.stm You would think that fixtures could be reproduced freely... but apparently not!
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  19. The first line is a bit harsh there mate...really not sure where the Keane from Spurs went though! I always had it down as a confidence thing, but he has missed more than a few sitters so there can be no excuse for those. Maybe it is down to pressure as being labelled as a £20m player, but is that really whats going through his head when he's playing a match?!
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  21. I just about to say him! Didn't we sign John Scales and Phil Babb on the same day? At the time I was made up with those signings and couldn't believe our luck. Although to be fair I was about 12, so that may have clouded my judgement some what!
  22. Imagine that one, I guarantee he would get you a comedy tie! I thought it was only Everton that did half-season tickets?
  23. Does he prefer the Vengaboys or 2 Unlimited?
  24. I don't think any of us can comment on that one really until we find out what he was refusing to change it from.
  25. There may be people who know more about this type of thing on here, but I would have thought a drunken bar scuffle happens so frequently and probably ends up with people being released quite quickly. I can only guess they are following things to the letter due to the media interest/who is involved. But surely he could be released pending further questioning, it's not as if he's going to do a runner?
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