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About TheLa

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  1. That's the way I saw it yeh. I was screaming with rage at the time so I could have it completely wrong; Olivered it, if you will.
  2. Nah, he didn't play advantage for that as far as I remember. So Diaz was, let's say impeded but Oliver didn't think he was fouled. However some dicknuts kicked the floor and got a free kick out of it. Funny old game, made miserable by some completely useless f***wits.
  3. I'm furious. I'm going full Robert De Niro on this. "I want Plymouth dead. I want his family dead. I want his house burned to the ground. I want to go there tonight and piss on the ashes."
  4. Piss f***ing poor that.
  5. The man on the telly?
  6. Give him all the money and time he wants. He can have my wages if he wants them.
  7. Frank f***ing Lampard disagrees, the fat cow...
  8. Isn't that in Wales?
  9. He's defo got them training to "Things can only get better" hasn't he...
  10. TheLa


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  11. TheLa


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  12. TheLa


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