Now without wanting us to do a 'Leeds' and overspend wildly I can't help but feel that we are almost there as a team and that with some investment in key positions i.e. striker and right mid we would have one of the best squads in Europe. If we continue to haggle over a million here or there and miss out on our targets then those positions will still need to be filled next summer or in January and by then it might be too late in the league for another season. We won't need to spend much next summer so a bit more of an outlay this year could be balanced out...particularly if we're buying quality players who can play first team football for years to come...Alves for example.
I see Chunk is back...he's just being nice at the start to fool the Mod's! Only joking mate...welcome, not sure what place you were at before but I'm sure you'll enjoy it here.
As I mentioned in the transfer thread a few days ago I was chatting to a Blackburn player about Bellamy and he reckoned it was very close to a deal for him coming to us. That's the Blackburn take anyway, might be just player gossip but he seemed to think it would happen...he's a Liverpool fan as well so he's a good lad!
....anyway, I thought the window wasn't open yet and we can't sign anyone 'til after that. Surely Spurs wouldn't let us talk to him 'til after the window opens?
Mr Chunk, did you join this forum at the end of April or is that a mistake? If you did, fair play, cos you've obviously formed alot of opinions on the posters on here in the last two weeks and you clearly don't mind sharing them!
All this 'pace isn't important' stuff, at least Ciise has pace and can't use it properly. Nando doesn't have pace and doesn't do a hell of a lot else properly from what I've seen of him this season. Ciise's been looking better in recent weeks so I'd give him a run out. I don't think Raffa will and as he knows far more than me I'll trust his judgement.
Personally I'd like to see us trouble them with a bit of pace up front so for me I'd like to see Cisse play....I think Raffa will probably go with Morientes and look to bring Cisse on in the second half...whatever he decides is alright by me!
"Jerzy should act like a man and give up thoughts of being in the national squad," said Jacek Kazimierski. How is wanting to play in the World Cup not acting like a man. That coach sounds like an @rse. I can't believe that Dudek wouldn't even make their squad.
Don't you mean 'Cranking!' to cry and w@nk at the same time? As for the get together...I'm a London red although I don't know anyone on here. I'd be up for going along and getting pisshed watching the match again though.
Stevie looks fairly happy posing with girl band 'Candy Club'...anyone ever heard of them as I'm pleased to say I haven't! Although I probably would...not Stevie of course...the girls....well not the ginger one but the others! Oh and can I suggest Djibs starts spending more time sharpening his shootin boots rather than his DJ skillz!
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I still find it hard to believe that we can't buy a decent right winger in the summer or Jan transfer windows. It's one of the positions we most need to strengthen and although I realise other clubs are always trying to get the maximum ammount of cash out of us I would have thought we could engineer a deal in the time we've been given.