I gave up The Guardian about 18 months ago as I felt there was an agenda toward the city and club but it is presented in a subtle and varied manner - never enough to put your finger on it but enough to make you feel uneasy in what was being written. I have read their on-line page when there has been a European game on and I've been at work and whilst I find some of thier 'match hosts' funny, the overriding theme toward Liverpool (club/city/people) is negative. Generally, and considering the media as a whole, I often wonder do I only see the negative comments because that's what I expect and thus search them out or are there so many you cannot miss them? The number of times 'non stories' are run in various papers to co-incide with a big/pressure games must be more than co-incidence. The willingness of media outlets to continue to perpetuate urban myths as fact or all 'mistruths' to go uncorrected alarms me. Rant over - wrong thread?