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Everything posted by stressederic

  1. I think Nazism and everything should be kept apart
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  5. This content is not viewable to guests.,This content is not viewable to guests.
  6. This content is not viewable to guests.,This content is not viewable to guests.
  7. I've been pretty succesful in repressing all memories relating to the home game against Chelsea this season. Any attempt to recall the second half causes me suffer convulsions.
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  9. This content is not viewable to guests.,This content is not viewable to guests.
  10. This content is not viewable to guests.,This content is not viewable to guests.
  11. I love the suggestion that now Crouch has broken his duck, we're not going to bother trying to score any more goals in any games for the rest of the season. Everyone best get ready for nil-nil draws till the summer.
  12. Bugger, look how many places I dropped! Damn you AOL!!! Saturday, 10 December 2005 Birmingham 1-2 Fulham Blackburn 2-2 West Ham Bolton 2-0 Aston Villa Charlton 2-0 Sunderland Chelsea 3-0 Wigan Liverpool 2-0 Middlesbrough Newcastle 1-3 Arsenal West Brom 0-3 Man City Sunday, 11 December 2005 Man Utd 3-0 Everton Monday, 12 December 2005 Tottenham 3-0 Portsmouth
  13. Cunningly disguised below...
  14. Still waiting for a punchline... Still waiting... Still... *flatlines*
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  16. This content is not viewable to guests.,This content is not viewable to guests.
  17. This content is not viewable to guests.,This content is not viewable to guests.
  18. This content is not viewable to guests.,This content is not viewable to guests.
  19. This content is not viewable to guests.,This content is not viewable to guests.
  20. You actually sound like you're hoping that Cisse struggles, so you can get proved right. Posts merged: So who exactly is hiding behind a keyboard make grand statements now? Ah well at least its nice to see you can argue reasonably without resorting to sad threats and promises of violence. Oh wait... Do you perform more simple tricks? Fetching a stick slightly more your level?
  21. Sorry their views don't count. In fact does it strike anyone else as ironic that DoubleSmack is condemning the supposed (which hasn't actually matched what I've been reading here today, but why let facts get in the way) forum consensus here as all for nought, as its a poxy forum frequented by OOTers and various idiotic ilk, whilst his opinions are gospel, because they're shared by lots of people at the "Little Solly". Pray tell why does one supposed consensus hold more worth then the other?
  22. Ah here was me thinking the thread was about Owen, when really its about OOTers. Glad we found the real cause of why I'm gutted today. Its because people like me don't care enough about Liverpool Football Club. I'll sleep better tonight with that new found enlightenment.
  23. Nah. Besides the Post Office doesn't work on Bank Holidays either, he'd never arrive on time.
  24. But its a Bank Holiday today... we won't be able to pay Madrid!!!
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