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Kaizer Sauze

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    They made me do it
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  1. Ha, is right mate! Talk about small world. Boss video. Hope you're doing well la.
  2. They pretty much collapsed mate. Now a completely different beast.
  3. I organised it
  4. Simply not enough time. We had list of 12-15 questions, he managed to get through a handful and managed to go 10 minutes over time just doing that! To be fair to Parry, we asked before and then on the day if anything was 'off-limits', both times the answer was a solid 'No'. Also, to his credit, he specifically requested Tony Barrett also do the interview, not the behaviour of a man who is after an easy ride or a soft soap PR piece.
  5. Anyone on here has ANY issues installing, downloading etc, feel free to drop me an email andyheaton[at]me.com
  6. There's a possibility that BT and BeIN might join forces and try and take most of the packages, leaving Sky to mop up the smaller packages TV money is only going to go one way, up, at least for the foreseeable. On Milner/Ings, don't take any notice of anything I say.
  7. We're doing a gig with John Power the night before the game, tickets flying out so this isn't a sales call, more that I know a few of the lads from here will probably be about? http://www.seetickets.com/event/taw-john-power-live-in-madrid/heroe-cafe-espectaculo/820803
  8. He's a handsome lad
  9. Nothing serious, may even be back for Villa.
  10. Boss this from the boy Girling http://www.theanfieldwrap.com/2014/07/steven-gerrard-country-let/
  11. PODCAST: BIGGLES is now live http://www.theanfieldwrap.com/2014/06/11284/
  12. New one out already PODCAST: AN IRON FIST IN A VELVET GLOVE http://www.theanfieldwrap.com/2014/04/podcast-iron-fist-velvet-glove/
  13. CITYTALK - TWO TRIBES is now live http://www.theanfieldwrap.com/2014/04/citytalk-two-tribes/
  14. PODCAST: POETRY IN MOTION http://www.theanfieldwrap.com/2014/02/podcast-poetry-in-motion/ iTunes: http://itunes.apple.com/gb/podcast/the-anfield-wrap-podcast/id456906266 Direct: http://traffic.libsyn.com/theanfieldwrap/PODCAST_-_POETRY_IN_MOTION.m4a
  15. Nah, not for us that. We basically rolled out a few paragraphs in advance to selected outlets to stir a bit of interest. No dollar was exchanged or asked for
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