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Everything posted by DonRafa

  1. Not suprising really, he's not had much chance to get that 'match fit' sharpness lately
  2. For feck sake Crouchy, should have scored there!
  3. lil' Luis with both hands on 'the sign'.....good lad! I fancy him to be our match winner (again)
  4. C'mon Barca, DESTROY the cowardly, conniving, c*** chavs.....bring them to their knees! Whats Ivory Coastian and Dutch for cheat? I'm on nites, but the recorder is set. Hoping to watch a massacre as I eat brekkie in the morning
  5. RIP Denise Stay strong Gary, our thoughts are with you and your family YNWA
  6. DonRafa


    Ah, but eyes are quite soft y'know.........soft and squishy
  7. Should carry a Govt. health warning - epileptics and those of a nervous disposition look away now!
  8. Mrs.Rafa will not be happy. Rafa better get on the phone to Cartiers
  9. This could get messy!
  10. I'm watching the game again at the minute, I'll keep an eye out for that. Its his positioning and anticipation that particularly stand out for me. Simply outstanding
  11. I wish the Kop had spotted him. A few 'there's only one Sean, and we don't mean the sheep' would have been handy - make him feel wanted, like
  12. I like that! Aye, he's quite young too, to be an established goalie. 23 is he? ...and he can only get better. He's rather cute as well, which is always a plus!
  13. Did'nt know you were such a big fan of Djimi!
  14. Aye, it was pretty obvious. He's only young though, he'll learn (to be more subtle) I do agree with those who think Del Horno was following orders to 'do' Messi. I said the same in the match thread. Seemed pretty obvious to me. Josie is a cynical b'stard imo. His Porto team bitched,dived, kicked and cheated to a new level. Somehow don't think he's turned over a new leaf at Chelsea
  15. Aye, some things never change- as summer follows spring, c**k-ups follow Barthez
  16. Hope so, really rate this lad.
  17. Oh, look, the 'hear no evil' monkey has escaped from its cage......now remember, don't feed the animal(s)
  18. We'll need that wall of noise that only Anfield on European nights can produce - it'll share them sh1tless!
  19. DonRafa


    Obviously, the swelling will need to subside before they can give a definitive diagnosis, but I'm heartened by the more positive note struck by that last report. I'm pretty sure they would'nt give cause for hope without good reason. He's being treated by the top specialist in his field,and that means his care will be very,very expert indeed. Hang in there, Momo. No matter what the outcome, you'll get all the support you need from the LFC family. YNWA
  20. s'funny, he must have forgotten Liverpool is in England in last year's comp. At best he damned us with faint praise, and we were 'lucky' this and 'lucky' that. He's a mealy mouthed bitter, always was, always will be. The great 'expert'? Bah! More a case of the king has got no clothes on. Danish king
  21. Hear,hear! Gray spoils Sky footie matches for me. He' such a twot
  22. Get ready - its going to be one long moan about 'cheats' from now til the second leg Me, I love Instant Karma. Pepe, you got your wish!
  23. Greygob is already making his excuses for his Chelsea 'chums'.......ass-licker
  24. Thats the word from DoggyDog Starski!
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