* Ending on a sour note, I’m afraid. Don’t blame me. “The Sun was right, you’re murderers,” was the chant sung by a number of United fans, enough in number to be heard. What f**king possesses somebody to do that? What sort of ignoramus do you have to be to mock the death of football fans? Where is the scrap of awareness to realise that any of those 96 supporters could have been your mother, your brother, your father or your friend? Naturally, a minority of Liverpool supporters responded with their own vile chants, like savages who can work on no other basis than ‘an eye for an eye’. It’s just one big bloody sigh, and I couldn’t give a shiny sh*te who started it. Have a look at yourselves, it’s a football match. I know it’s exciting and you really want to win and them to lose, but you’re embarrassing yourselves and your families. Football is bloody brilliant. It’s just a shame that it brings out the worst in such a large number of shuddering f**k knuckles. Good night. EDIT: Beaten to it - soz.