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  1. Well, obviously, speaking as a died in the wool founding member of the Gillette and Hicks fan club, I think its bizarre Two points really a) I actually find it difficult to believe that any senior RBS official would allow their judgement on such a huge financial project to be based on anything other than solid business practice and ethics given very recent events. If the Financials got a whiff of that there'd be blood on the carpet b) Even if there was a minor risk that this club would go into administration I'd oppose any such idea, but to back this one without the knowledge that there was then someone definite to pick up the pieces is a lunacy even Parry would not be worthy of I appreciate the point flight makes that the action might have the desired affect in the long run, but thats a gamble. We might get rescued and then again we might find that actually we are not and then we'd look pretty bloody stupid. The leeds United scenario shows how rapidly and disasterously things can spiral out of control, its not a straight forward analogy by any means but its uncomfortable enough
  2. Putting the issue about whose LMA it is or whether they are competent enough aside for a moment, the purpose of the organisation is to represent their managers and the profession as a whole. The prospect of prominent managers making accusations and counter accusations of bias, lack of integrity etc is not helpful either to the game or their members themselves in the long run. From that perspective I think they have every right to seek to reconcile Ferguson and Benitez before any further damage is done to their image. Actually though it might make good television, and it might win admiration short term from the fans, no one wins out The problem is its obviously toothless, as a number of their own band have clearly not read their associations aims The six major aims of the LMA are: To represent the interests of the professional football managers to The Football Association, Premier League, Football League and all the game’s other governing bodies and stakeholders To promote and publish the views of the professional managers on key issues within the game To protect the rights and privileges of its members To deliver and grow a range of support services to the managers both professionally and personally To embrace and deliver strong commercial relationships with the game’s sponsors and partners To encourage honourable practice, conduct and courtesy in all professional activity
  3. Quite frankly I've never seen so many dummies spat out in my life. As I said in my last post I wont say anymore on this subject as clearly few people on here are prepared to criticise the manager under any circumstances, my position clearly winds people up which is not my intent At the end of the day I'm not prepared to change my views about Benitez, he is clearly one of the best managers in Europe but not faultless and i blow hot and cold with him. Unfortunately it appears that you are no longer entitled to express anything other than complete adulation on this forum without it descending into personal abuse Sad state of affairs really. but there you go
  4. You think the Mancs are running scared and you call me the loon? They just won the title for a third year running and stand a chance of doing the league and champions league double back to back. i think you need to take you rose tinted spectacles off before you fall flat on your face. This actually isnt a time for sabre rattling never say die speeches, its a time to look at where we went wrong what we can improve on but, fair enough I wont push the line further But to me its a clear problem. The difference between success and failure is a knife's edge. You need your manager to be focused on the team not on carrying out a personal fued against another manager who frankly isnt worth the effort anyway Next season will see
  5. The Ferguson/Allardyce incident was gutless and obscene yet funnily enough Benitez to his credit never reacted to it. I also thought Benitez came out of that well. Maybe there's a lesson there As for the bit about referees, Ferguson has no more influence over referees than us. They.ve had some pretty farcical decisions given and so have we, last Sunday with Lucas was a case in point. this big conspiracy theory is one which is shared nigh on by every fan in the league. Rafa's attempt to somehow blame poor refereeing on Ferguson was lame. i doubt its made any difference whatsoever and I'm sure next season we'll have decisions go for and against us as they will, it happens Finally as for disrespecting the manager. I've paid Rafa many compliments in the past and the way he got us playing with confidence and fluidity in these last couple of months was breathtaking. The irony being it only goes to highlight the pain of the restrictive tactics which preceded it. Injuries played their part and he's justified in bringing that to our attention but that was far from the only story I reckon or hope that he, as well as the team, have learnt something about our potential from the run in. I dont think there's too much wrong with the squad and i certainly dont doubt his coaching ability or vision, but if we have another season of eccentric and cranky press conferences to suffer we'll lose focus and hand Ferguson what he dreams about. You might be happy with second place and all those lovely stats, but this is what scares the f*** out of me - we are in the business of winning trophies
  6. Yep and that raises the general level of debate a notch or two
  7. Is that even when such action is regarded as petty and small time Benitez needs to drop this line and not be goaded by either the press or Ferguson. He is an extremely intelligent man which is why he could deal with this better if he wanted to without kissing a*** as you put it and without making the club look shabby The fact that he choses to maintain and even resurrect the hostilities with ferguson smacks of diversion from an uncomfortable analysis of where the season went wrong
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  9. correction, Carralegend is the lowest form of wit
  10. Three times this season he has made this club a laughing stock. I'm beginning to tire of his childish behaviour. You'd not have got this from the likes of Paisley, Moran, Dalglish or Evans. But those days were different. They didn't have to put up with a s*** stirring media, even so in lacking to show grace he brings us write down to the level of Ferguson. Perhaps thats where you want us to be. Frankly I think we are handing the outside world a rod to beat us with I would have been happy with second place this season at the start but we had every opportunity to nail the league and we let it slip through are grasp. Benitez talks of injuries, squads and referees. Yet he studiously avoids mentioning the games we drew because he was too damned cautious. Second half of the season we battered teams but our lack of ambition mid season gave United a foothold and their professional experience allowed them to overhaul us This manager is the one who has presided over the year the Mancs drew level with our record. He now has no excuses, a good contract and more control and influence than any other manager in the league. Now he shuts up and shows us his worth. The feud with Ferguson is a f***ing distraction we dont need
  11. sarcasm is the lowest form of wit
  12. Whats happened to this game? its like a f***ing pantomime now not a sport One day I'll watch some post match analysis that isnt geared to the big brother generation and Benitez needs to grow up and concentrate on the club because we haven't won anything again this season and I've a feeling he's using Ferguson as cover
  13. Cohen's not interested in a rational debate, I thought we'd established that. Why are we trying to win him round? Perhaps when considering the principle of 'shared responsibility' maybe his american supporters would like to contemplate the deaths of the tens of thousands of innocent people their president is responsible for in Iraq and whom received fulsome support from his electorate Not a fair comment I realise, and apologies to any of the americans reading this, but in a way a similar part of the same twisted logic To be honest I've given up on what goes on in that country or trying to work their psychology out, best leave it alone and concentrate on getting justice here rather than open up these new battles. We win the battle here, Cohen's arguments fall apart
  14. West Ham fans Bit of a mixed bag going on there if you ask me
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