well you got have someone to laugh at...........so i am guessing jonesy will put his name in the hat put me down, dont know yet as we maybe putting a till system live in hexham that weekend and i will be there cue the emails regarding what i am doing with my chelsea ticket
ok spoke to lots of regulars in the oakie tonight who all will have one.................so if anyone wants to contact me over it and i will see if we can get money up front for this..........i am off tomorrow so might see if gerry is in the shop and see if we can get the oakie involved in this and sort the YNWA and all the other web sites out as place to pick them up so the shop isnt over run............if thats ok with HJC
not a problem mate, i will get carl or tony to talk to gerry, was just trying to save the shop been over ran by this motley crew, its not a problem for some bands to be in the oakie and we can distribute them for the HJC and drop the money off..........heck trying to work out a weekend for another fund raising night and surprise gerry
just got an emailed appolgy off them , the same as they put on there site by the look of it, well its something and if they pull the programme than great, i did put in my email that they could do a donation to the HJC fund, you never know
its the early hours of monday morning its on, this was posted on there forum site, by someone called xavier http://vision1.home.pl/Forum/read.php?f=2&i=456&t=456
NHE i should still be up at midnight, i will try and catch the program, would tape it but dont have a VCR at the mo as its broke............i will keep a large whisky handy as i will probably need it
Trevor Hicks.......i feel sorry for him that he lost his 2 daughters, but he would never listen to arguement......i know from times i have argued with him over things