Absolutely knocked the wind out of me, when Murph told me the news last night. I've been lucky enough to have been in his company many times, and when i think of Vic the things thats stands out above all his many great qualities was his intelligence and compassion.
I can still vividly remember the first time i met him, down in the Stanley pub, probably 17 or 18 years ago. Id spoken with him on here before hand, but when i met him in person, for the first few minutes i wasn't quite sure what to make of this wee angry looking ginger Scouser. So i just said "im gonna the bar, do you want a drink?" he said yeah, called out a brand of whiskey, and then growled "and i don't drink singles" and i said, "its a good job i dont buy singles" and then he let out a big laugh and said "You'll do for me Wayne".
Some of the sessions we had in the Oakie were absolutely epic, and when him and Jonesy got on it (usually a day or 2 earlier than the rest of us), poor Jonesy was often a shell of a man going to the game, and Vic was only getting warmed up.
There was never a dull, and certainly never a quiet moment in his company. he was a great speaker, but also a great listener. Im proud to have known him, and i'm proud to have been able to call him a friend. the world will be a poorer place without him.
RIP mate, myself and Jonesy will raise a few glasses in your honour at our next home game.