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Everything posted by Lark

  1. Just a heads up to anyone with a season ticket and an android phone - check to see if your season ticket is still in your wallet. A few people reporting issues. If your lucky it might be in your expired passes. If your unlucky it's completely gone and there's no instructions given on how to get it back. Club have said it's a google issue and Google have said it's an lfc issue. You can't reattach it with a new google account either. There's an error message saying "This item can only be saved by one person."
  2. Lark

    The midfield

    Elliot tries hard but he's neither the pace or physicality to really carry the team at this level. It's not his fault, like it's not milners fault. The issue lies with the owners who wouldn't fund a replacement for gini, wouldn't fund a replacement for keita or taki.
  3. yep it's not working, there's an ocean of space all around fabinho, and harvey just seems to be in the way of trent/salah and doesn't cover trents runs forward and trents strolls back either.
  4. I honestly wouldn't let them train, play, rest, play, rest, play, rest at least until the end of the month when konate and hendo are supposedly fit again.
  5. Well that was diabolical. Hopefully being slapped all over the pitch is a wake up call to everyone. To the greedy t***s who own us, to the management team re the tactics, to the players who think walking around is good enough, to the journo's who act as propagandists, to the fanbase who've been in a collective state of denial about some festering issues that are now stinking the place out. Anfield needs to be a cauldron, not just for the euro nights, we need to put a rocket up our own players arses and hopefully they will respond.
  6. Lark

    FSG Watch...

    FSG out
  7. Lark

    FSG Watch...

    Same person who told me about Arthur was done.
  8. Lark

    FSG Watch...

    Fsg out. Baulked on additional 3 million for nunes.
  9. Maybe Jota can play the role firmino had in that second half. Maybe jota on the left, nunez, salah and diaz in behind, diaz sure puts in a shift of work. Maybe the new guy arthur can unlock defences and get around the pitch. The key would be having two midfielders who can cover a lot of ground behind them. Thiago and Fab will be fine against most prem midfields but don't know if they have the energy to really do it against the very best in europe/here.
  10. Although we line up as 433 1st half was like this for about 25mins diaz nunez-------------------------------------------------------salah Carvalho------------------------------------------------------elliot --------------------------------Fabinho-------------------------Trent Tsimi---------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------virgil-----------Gomez----------------
  11. Correct. After a 60 game season. A short summer cos of the world cup, a charity shield match against oil fc and knowing so many of our squad are old/injury prone. Not being able to get our first choice mf and then not bothering to get anyone in until the last 12 hour of the window is some of the worst decision making and fwd planning i've seen from this club. We've properly f***ed ourselves this month. Circle the wagons, all we can do is help what we have do what they can at home.
  12. That milner sub worked out well. Kinell. On the plus side, worst away games for our players over and done with. I'm hoping for a miracle and that thiago, fab, melo are fit and available for the rest of our games and that the nunez, jota, salah, diaz stay fit and begin to click.
  13. Dom king said Melos fit enough to play the Derby.
  14. https://twitter.com/FabrizioRomano/status/1565260236881010688?t=6SB6IH83PhRsHGhIXJ1gMw&s=19
  15. Our Ben Davies/kabak
  16. In all my years watching, I've never seen a team less interested in playing footy than Newcastle, I've seen Pickford launch every gk into the main stand, I've seen Diego simeone time waste but 2.30seconds their keeper faking an injury and every five ten mins another player of their would go down. Nothing sweeter than scoring in the added time they created and the celebrations from the bench and beyond will live long.
  17. Lark

    FSG Watch...

    Redbird completes buying ac Milan.
  18. off shore bank accounts in the name of harry redknapps dog about to become hugely popular again.
  19. it's also funny that when you offer over and above what the selling club values a player how quickly a deal can be struck. In the same sense when you take the piss and offer far below what the selling club thinks is a fair price how long and drawn out and complicated and protracted a transfer can be.
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