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By fans, for fans. By fans, for fans. By fans, for fans.


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Profile Information

  • Member Title
    Gixer Hooligan
  • Team
    Liverpool FC
  • Location
    North Wales
  • Interests
    Motorbikes, Football, Family, Walking and Beer!

Edvard's Achievements

  1. Joule be waiting a while yet.
  2. stonty and oakie bob, I thank you both. that was nearly as good as the Villa game.
  3. Absolutely. And maybe the CL victory has triggered a load more of those clauses too? I doubt it's as straightforward as we all try to make it out to be.
  4. if a lot of the Coutinho fee was to be paid in performance related installments then surely that couldn't have gone straight onto the books as profit as it had yet to have been achieved?
  5. Thought he was excellent today, especially in the first half.
  6. You can see it from North Wales with a pair of binoculars.
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  8. Edvard


    What was Andy Carrol's excuse?
  9. Cheers la (and thanks too Gethin too)!
  10. Can anybody point me to somewhere to download the full match? I was out of the country and thought i'd set the sky go to record it, but just just checked and it's nowhere to be seen.
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  12. kyriakos (greece)
  13. assaidi skrtel jones
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