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Everything posted by Ronnie#5

  1. Ian Ayre is the CEO of Liverpool FC so I can't imagine how such a situation could arise
  2. Apparently we're in for Neymar Unlike Fyds I'm happy to reveal my 'well placed source' as a 9 yr old nephew of a mate of mine who's best mates Dad is mates with Rodgers. So there you go!
  3. Well he's a right little star if he thought Liverpool was a better place to live and LFC were prepared to pay him more yet he still decided to join Arsenal. h/t to Alexis Sanchez.
  4. Glad it hit home lads. Thanks for the feedback.
  5. We're not Arsenal so the players will be fine and I can't envisage a situation where Marco Reus will agree a mega bucks deal to LFC only to be handed Rob Shepherds latest piece in the Daily Express and then say 'f*** that I'm off to Bayern'
  6. I got your point bud and I completely agree with you but... it's actually a massive positive. Why? Expectations. Its f***ing great that everyone is writing us off,. It's marvelous that LvG is the second coming and that Arsenal are assembling the greatest team in the history of sport. It's tremendous that Chelsea have canny Jose who's spent massive money buying proven players guaranteed to hit the ground running and deliver the title. yet... What do these 3 teams all have in common? They all finished behind LFC last season. In fact its quote ironic that the 2 best teams from last season are apparently the least likely to replicate this performance based on the media hype!! Pellegrini must be delighted and Rodgers ecstatic. He can legitimately tell the players that no one believes we can do it again. That we're obviously a one season wonder. Meanwhile we'll storm through the league, be top at Xmas AGAIN and the rest of the them will wake up and go holy f*** them c**** are back!! We've got the best young player in the country in Sterling. The best striker in the country in Sturridge Coutinho's a year older, stronger and easily one of the top 5 playmakers in the league. The best leader in the country in Stevie and he's still a top class player. Sakho was one of the best CB's in the World Cup and he's got a year in the PL under his belt. Hendo's a year older and bolder. He'll dominate games next season you mark my word. We've beefed up the squad with proven Premier League talent in Lallana & Lambert and Can is apparently ready for the 1st team. Markovic is going to be so good that there's scouts all over the world on Twitter saying they'll eat their own shyte if he's not a spectacular success at LFC And this is before we add prob another 4 players to the squad.! And Brendan Rodgers is the best coach in the country at solving problems cos that's his thing. He solves the problems. So let them pay homage to AFC & Utd. How hilarious will it be when we smash them both like we did last sesason? Let them anoint Chelsea as champions. How funny will it be when Jose walks out at Xmas cos Costa's been a bust and he can't figure out how in the hell to fit Fabregas into his team. We're back. Some of our own are happy to regress to the mean as it's 'easier' to just presume that we won't kick on - this is the same crew who were scolding us when we started singing 'we're gonna win the league.' There's a sentitment out there from some in the media who can't abide the thought that last season was merely the start of our renaissance so they'll do everything to justify why it can't happen again. FFS the same crew who are caressing the ballsack of LvG are the same crew who predicted that Moyes would get Utd Top 3 at a MINIMUM! So Suarez is gone. We're all 'soz abar that' but I've never been more positive heading into a new season that I am this one. It won't be as mad (and I'm with Neil on this) but it will be better cos it'll still be fun as these are still a great bunch of lads and we'll still be smashing the opposition.
  7. Don't be so silly. Gary Mac hasn't kicked a ball professionally in 12 years and he can still control a ball better than Kuyt. Dirk in this team would be the literal spanner in the works. Time to move on now. This is Brendan Rodgers Tricky Reds we're talking about!
  8. Don't know where best to put this but seeing as we're building for the start of next season I just came across this on Twitter. 15k Argentine fans blasting out a chant to 'bad Moon Rising' ... surely we could up with a version for next season? This is marvellous stuff ... https://t.co/sTim0nQtDS
  9. This is good stuff Smithdown. I like your moxy.
  10. He's definitely a contender. Hard argue against Suarez tho mate.
  11. I wasted the best part of 10 mins ranting about that c*** Tyler after the Spurs game. He's an awful c***. Pay no attention to his Manc-c***ery drivel.
  12. is right mate
  13. There been some awful shyte out there along these lines. The Bob/Shanks one with Rodgers was shockingly bad. He really is. I've come to the conclusion that he's a better version of Mourinho in so far as as he has all the positive traits of Mourinho (top coach, outstanding man manager, great tactician, a genuine winner) without any of the negative stuff (plays great football, trusts his players to play, doesn't do mind games, doesn't assault other coaches). He's also only 40. Mourinho won his 1st title at 40 at Porto. His evolution this year is simply astounding and he'll deserve every once of praise he gets if he leads us to the title. We're very lucky to have him.
  14. "When we play, we play with dominance" I Like this.
  15. Its marvelous stuff!
  16. I think Mike G on Twitter was saying stick to chants and I agree so I had this epiphany this morning. (Feel free to mock ) same as the Messi Barca one (click here: ) "Rodgers, Rodgers, Rodgers, Rodgers" And if he wins us the league we can do the bow thing that accompanies it as well cos he'll deserve it! I'm over for the Sunderland game and on the Kop with a few mates so we'll trial run it that nite and see how it goes.
  17. Welcome to the party. It's a right laugh this side of the fence bud. I arrived the morning of the Arsenal game when I told me mate that we were gonna smash them cos we're gonna win the league! We did and we are.
  18. Yeah i think you're right there KAMF! I want to win the league for me first then every other fan so that we can all go bananas for a week like its 1989. Though our capt getting his just rewards for an outstanding career would be a lovely added bonus.
  19. Great shout tho screw the loan. He's exactly what our 3rd choice striker should be next season
  20. He's bloody fantastic is what he is. What a superb job he's done with our football club and to think he's only getting started. Well in Brenno!
  21. Is the right answer.
  22. Fair enough RP. I'm not looking to start something and you're obviously entitled to your own opinion. I think DH's Mecca analogy is quite apt. I like that kind of thinking. On the subject of getting over ... . I'm looking for 2 tickets for the Sunderland game if anyone has spares can they please PM me? Pretty please?!
  23. here you go http://www.liverpoolecho.co.uk/news/liverpool-news/indonesian-fans-anne-williams-hillsborough-5165554
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