With bells on. Michael Cox has a great bit about him in his new book, comparing and contrasting Scholes before the era of Rafa and original Mourinho, when they transformed the English game tactically with midfielders playing between the lines. Scholes only played deep the last few years of his career, after the Makele era ended. He spent ten years unable to influence the game at the tip of a diamond for England, and unable to last 90 minutes and unable to tackle to justify a deep midfield slot. Hence Gerrard and Lampard and Keane etc. being better midfielders. Then he peaked in his last few years when football fashion came round to suit him in 2008-2011ish, with Barca possession play. Scholes never even got voted player of the year by the Yanited fans who today spend half their time tweeting pics of celebratory quotes about him attributed to various players of the past 15 years. Yet despite this, he never got a *single* balon d'or vote. Not one. FWIW, Cox would have Gerrard of him, Lampard, Scholes as the best all round footballer, with all at their peak.