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I will no longer be developing resources for Invision Community Suite ×
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Adriano Faria

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  1. Yep, I got that message. After adding the ->csrf() to the link, it redirects to the same page; no confirm stuff.
  2. I got a missing csrf error message when trying to delete an entry. 'link' => Url::internal('app=neappupdatechecker&module=update&controller=ucresources&do=deleteResource&id=' . $row['id']), I added it on mine but then it wasn't deleting, just redirecting, due to the condition in the method. Thanks.
  3. Nathan, about this: selectThis = $('section').find('div.ipsType_richText').first(); Wouldn’t be easier if I add a new div in my template to be targeted? I see you’re using the “content” field. What if we use that new div, I could add more stuff to it, right? For example, tutorials Description and Content, which are two different fields. Basically, everything inside the div woube translated. Wouldn’t it be better?
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