Indeed. Football is now the quintessence of modern capitalism. More money must always be made and go to the already insanely wealthy. The sole purpose of any entity is to make money and to grow and grow to make more and more money. All existing models and traditions must be “disrupted” to make money. Oil sovereign wealth funds: sportswash to showcase softer side and project and protect wealth. Hedge fund clubs: must make money for investors. Leagues (eg La Liga): make up ludicrous new mini tournaments and bizarre kickoff times to make money. Big clubs in not big enough leagues (eg Juventus): lead charge to end league football to make even more money and catch up with top PL and Liga clubs. Governing bodies: become businesses rather than administrators and regulators to generate money for voters and perpetuate power, or to appease ever more demanding big clubs. One of the many reasons I’m so glad we look like winning league this year is that within 10 years league football will be effectively over and certainly secondary for super clubs. Getting ahead of United before that happens would be utopia, as Roy would put it.